Altar of Jhebbal Sag nonfunctional

  • Game mode Official
  • Game type PvE
  • Detailed information of the occurrence

As of May 1st the Altar of Jhebbal Sag at the vendor does not work. It is visually there however it cannot be interacted with.

As a result, champion lures or malodorous lures cannot be crafted.

Have logged out and back in and had a clan mate (they have their own ISP and PS5) confirm the Altar is indeed nonfunctional.

Edit update
Had two other players on the server also confirm it’s nonfunctional.

  • If possible and applicable, be sure to also provide us with the following:
  • Official Server number: Official Server #3534 PvE - Revision (#778107/40964) | Backend Retail (1)
  • Hardware info PS5/SSD
  • Connection info Wired
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the same thing happens on server 2105 pvp on xbox you can’t interact with the altar

Same for official pve server 2501 as well as multiple private servers and singleplayer

Siptah server #6442 also

No issues with them on 3531 pve. I just fought the three main champions. Didn’t try the werehyena or werebear yet. Then again, I didn’t have any issues with falling through my base this evening either—surprisingly. It could be connected since that’s usually when things stop working? I’ll follow up if I get any changes in behavior.

It seems to require a server restart to work. Which is of course a problem when playing on officials or a dedicated server you have no control over.

Verified on PC that the altar becomes functional after a server restart. Altar works also in single-player.


Greetings @Sycis ,

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you let us know if you’re still having trouble to access the event?

The Altar of Jhebbal Sag is now functioning as intended.

That was a great call out by Pixelcave!

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Wait, was it already fixed or was it a matter of some one at funcom forgetting to turn it on so all they needed to do was turn it on and restart the server :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Oh that would just be so funcom :rofl:

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