Are y’all nuts?

If you purchase an item at full price, the amount it deducts from the cost of a bundle is less than it’s full price list rate.

It’s an easy matter to test it just requires another person to confirm or document.
One person who will purchase nothing
One person purchases the full price item that appears in a bundle.
Next time the bundle comes up, compare the price for the bundle if you already own a component vs the price that the person who has purchased nothing sees.

Alternatively, some items appear in multiple bundles.
It was quite some time ago, but the way this one discovered the whole arithmetic was with the Khitan Spear.
An item that has been available stand alone, as part of the Spear enthusiast bundle as well as part of the Khitan headhunter bundle.
It was further confirmed with the Aesir and the Aesir Complete.

So yes, the bundles are discounted vs what the items cost outside of a bundle.
But owning a part of the bundle does not discount the bundle by the full price of the item, it discounts the bundle by the discounted value of the item in the bundle regardless of how much own spent to acquire it.

Didn’t we actually crack the value of the discount on the Spear Enthusiast bundle because literally every item had been offered separately at their base price before? This was well over a year ago tho.


Players who buy from the bazaar with so many bugs that have not been fixed and more new ones appear - they are unreformable. No offense, but it’s hopeless when Funkom doesn’t fix anything and spoils the game even more, and players support him.
And the prices on the bazaar are getting higher and higher, which indicates the desire to make a quick buck to support from ( Conan the milking cow ) another game such as DUNE.
And may you not be surprised when Conan in beta is abandoned.


Aside from the fact that some of the things in the bazaar are bugged, broken and look like something else entirely. After purchase, there is surprise.

No, I think I see a lot of fresh fruit, a couple of different meat dishes and what seems to be fish (under the price tag). Oh, and some candles too, although I suspect they’re not for eating. Definitely not all nuts.

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Don’t underestimate the pain spiced food can cause, falling into the sinkhole blinded by spiced soup is the most horrific fate an exile could possibly face. :joy:


Maybe we could even increase the damage by using decayed food!
But decayed feasts will be sold separately in a future bundle.


I have kept a psychotically challenging spreadsheet since a week or so of the Bazaar landing, tracking every item, when it lands, for how long, and it’s cost. Meaqsured against my originally buying a 40.00 CC bundle (I think), I could calculate the actual monetary cost per item (and there I thought i did have a life :D). Oh, and I factored in the original DLCs and their fixed pricing.

But, this allowed me to track (100% for myself only) what items were cost effective and which certainly were not, If I buy anything, it is on that basis.

My original comment stands (for me) though: they are collectively over-priced (for me). I have players on my servers that have bought every single item, and the pieces really do look lovely. Some content providers get the bundles for free do show them off. I wish I were a content-provider. If anyone does not want these items, just don’t buy them. As FC stated from the start, None of the items offer in-game benefits. They are purely for the look.

Twitch-drops, BattlePass, Journey steps, Birthdays - all offer free content, all with the similar crisp design. I won’t ‘hate’ on Funcom for the Bazaar items - that’s silly. For all I know, FC may have been asked by Designers to offer a shopfront to push their wares.

Just because there’s a Rolls Royce being displayed in Harrods’ window, it does not mean I have to buy it :wink:


I don’t need help when I can just glitch through my elevator there. :wink::laughing:

In all seriousness I’d buy decayed food too.

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Unless it’s a building set. You pay more if you already bought it partially than you would if you had waited for the new bundle.



A :anatomical_heart: for the :whale2: :whale: :whale2:

Yeah, it’s overpriced… but so what?

Funcom’s snafu won’t change anything anyway. And no, I am definitely not happy about this. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do. Referring to the beloved buzzword here, FOMO made me give in to greed. So, after weeks of nothing, there was finally something I always wanted to have. That’s why I got it! These platters are truly amazing, they look incredibly decadent and lavish. The perfect choice for my tavern.

Don’t buy it

Vote with your wallet

At that price… count me out.

Edit: If Funcom delivered good quality content everyone could enjoy I wouldn’t even minded to pay the price, But I haven’t seen quality since the start of Age of War.


Kingdom looks like an add for the bazaar.
Every build style has it’s own keep and plaza.
All the bazaar items to date are on display.
“Man Conan sucks, doesn’t run worth a damn, server is always crashing, I lag every where I go. funcom needs to fix these public servers”.

Welcome to funcom public servers where if funcom sells it it must be used and displayed.

That is nuts. You want to be an elephant and support a system designed to fleece, that is your prerogative. Not worried if what you buy works, then you support the buyer beware system. You don’t mind that what you see isn’t what you get, you’re supporting a flawed system. You got the croms for everything, good for you, some of us have to pinch pennies till they scream just to stay online.

My big issue isn’t pricing, I’m mean when it gets to this level of lucidity it is, but my big issue has always been buyer beware. You want me to spend that you have to have enough confidence in your content to guarantee it. If funcom doesn’t have that much confidence in their products, I have less then zero confidence it is worth the price.

Now you want me to spend that on plates? FIX THE THRALL POT, and I’ll think about it.

But until funcom backs their content with guarantees I don’t care if they are a third the price and the full catalog is open daily.


Doesn’t really work thou inless everyone does it. Cause at those prices…it likely takes a small percent of users to buy it and keep lights on.

Its basically a common issue now with games with MT’s, and judging by alot of articles on it. The few who buy alot of the stuff, do so in enough volume to make profit over From majority who see’s thru it.

Was a point I just wanted CE-II, just rebuild foundations with what they know now… but sadly it’ll just be MT from get go.

Wish I could swap to alternate time line were Tecent ****ed off, and we got normal DLC and Updates, or even Fallout 76 Store pricing with discounted bundles when you owned stuff…

Also… why **** does forum auto censor words… but at same time wont let you post with a word and let it auto censor.
I used a proper use of ****. -_-’


Yeah but we can’t control what other players decide to do
But at this price I’m betting them selling so little it does affect the sales


Would probably be cheaper without the candles. Still refusing to buy it though.


And the visitors to my tavern don’t eat anything. They only drink and don’t even have a snack. So I didn’t buy anything, and everyone is happy! :rofl:


the original cost was 17xx. with table and chairs, iirc.

well said mate!

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That’s not what I remember…
It was rather 2500!
But the table and also the chair were too big… :frowning:

i am sure it was not even 2k for it.