Are y’all nuts?

Okay, mea culpa…
:sob: I overpaid once… and :fearful: it will happen again…

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It’s because they realized the only thing anyone cared about was the food. The table and chair were ridiculously oversized.


Here’s the thing: you split that into 6 pieces and they are 250 each, which I don’t think anyone would bat an eye at (since we’re two years in and conditioned to seeing such prices). But this is being sold in the single-item daily rotation. This is not a single item. This is a bundle without the “discount.”

Whoever is responsible for the bazaar needs to find better ways to overcharge their customers without them feeling quite so screwed over.

It is called MISSDIRECTION. The bugs in this game used to be the worst but … now they are taking your attention away from the bugs to this. So now the bugs are okay … and this is bad!


This one likes the banquet chairs.
They are sat in with the same jaunty posture as thrones (other than lion) instead of the usual seated stance.


Such high prices for items in a game where the DEVs think it’s a quality-of-life improvement to shrink the inventory menu where now it’s harder to see the items and where it looks ridiculous with the menus pushed to the edges of the screen and all the blank space in-between inventory menus. Oh, and such high prices for a game where DEVs make a mouse work like a controller in other menus. With such poor decisions made by the DEVs, I feel it is just not appropriate to support a team that clearly doesn’t know what they are doing. There are DEVs in other games out there who sit down and actually think about quality and improvements who deserve support. I’m sorry, but these DEVs in Conan Exiles just don’t get it. Based on what they did to the inventory menu alone, their logic of a quality of life improvement is like let’s remove the bottom of the cup so you can see what’s on the other side, but when you go to pour water into the cup, the water pours out of the cup, but you can see what’s on the other side of the cup so that has to be a quality-of-life improvement according to the Conan Exiles DEVs!



My opinion a certain lead developer needs to get their head out of other games and quit trying to make Conan like them.

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I love how the rumor mill works, and then people get upset when news and politics work the same way.

I am not one of holding back when buying bazaar stuff, and I still to find anything that is overpriced the way people say it is.

I guess the “myth” about “regional math skills” might be something to it.

And I know how much spending Bazaar represents. Almost always my screen shots of the bazaar are like this:

The only explanation for these stupid takes is if someone thinks for some reason that people work for free.

I wonder, if you think other people work for free, do you ?


LOL! not even worthy of posting here on the forums. I thought it was actually something important.

Yknow like learning something about the game.

I can see this for myself.

So what? It’s your money, your effort to make them and your decision when and how to spend them. Don’t look back, heads up.
One thing that i completely agree with @darthphysicist is that literally nobody can tell me how to spend my money, not even my wife.


And no one can tell you not to go play in traffic either, but…

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At Christmas during family gathering, one of my uncles hands out 20$ to nephews and nieces “Go Play in Traffic, Have Fun!” almost every year. XD


Just because it’s in the store display window, doesn’t force you to buy.
There’s free stuff via BattlePass (a once-off, refunded 1,200 CCs each time). More free stuff via the Journey Steps. More via Twitch drops. And more freebies via Challenges.

I think the only things I have actually bought to-date have been a few armour sets, some hidden doors, and the Aesir Stronhold set.

I look at it like I did the old DLCs (still available for original pricing), each major update (chapter), I am prepared to pay a DLC amount for a quality build, an armour, a weapons, and maybe a pet set. That’s worth it (for me).

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For those of us not in the know, would you mind explaining what you’re talking about?


My brother from another mother


For me this means that i go high speed with a car or a motorbike in a street with high traffic.
That’s my English, sorry!
What’s your English saying i cannot understand, but i am sure it’s not i get, isn’t it?

Imagine kids playing in the street. Now imagine that street having lots of high-speed traffic. That’s what the expression “playing in traffic” refers to.


The phrase boils down to: You can spend Crom coins on egregiously overpriced stuff, or you can dance in the middle of oncoming traffic. You might be fine in both scenarios, but it doesn’t make those choices smart.

I’m not judging by the way. I buy overpriced crap all the time lol!


Ofcurce my friends, thanks for explaining. I really appreciate it :metal:.
I see the point even if i find none, but that’s ok, i will say “whatever” and move on :laughing:.
I keep the good part, i am more educated today :wink: