Are y’all nuts?

Top Gs!

I always thought that the luxurious food was the ultimate BLING item in this game. gold and jewels are commonplace but food… is not. This is in line with the earlier banquet bazaar item. You cant get luxurious and lavish food cosmetics without spending big bucks. Those items are basically the dishes from the earlier item which also included a table.

With this in mind, Im okay with this. As long as it stays consistent.

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Making that statement is what is not a smart choice.

You are comparing “risking your life” with spending money you have on something you want.

It is like saying “you can pay to go to a luxury cinema watch Suicide Squad” or “sleep on a train line”, you might be fine on both scenarios but bla bla bla smart.

I guess people really need to try to feel better about their choices by saying nonsense like this. Or trying to make an agenda for some reason.


What people seem to not understand, or deliberately ignore, about gaming monetization is: Being smart has nothing to do with it.

I am not a “millionaire”, but even if I was, I would not buy an uncomfortable car that only feature is go to speeds I will mostly never drive in. That is MY interest in life. Some people might like the idea that they can have that car, or have even the opportunity to do unreasonable things on unsafe velocities in their properties. Good for them, but it is not my interest.

Someone else might even have the money or the time to enjoy game stuff, they just dont want it. That is fine, but it has nothing to do with being smart. Someone else might want to enjoy a game differently.

I dont dig most of the mods that add placeables because they are not done in a nice way to my taste. They have lod wrong, they materials are not made to sync with the game ones, or the game systems. It is my choice. It is my money, it is my time.

Now you want to argue what is smart ? Smart is knowing how to handle money to do what YOU WANT, not following someone else’s agendas or takes on life because you are not smart enough to live on your own.

It is like those people who say “rich people are dumb”. Sad to break it, but no rich person will say “rich people are dumb”. And there is a reason for that. Smart people know the reason.

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Spot on.

It’s not nonsense.

Being smart has everything to do with it. If people were smart enough to not just buy over priced broken content we wouldn’t have a bazaar full of over priced broken content.
WE are paying for others poor spending decisions.

And if that car sells why make anything but? I mean if I make a car that has a weak 3 cylinder, a 6 speed manual transmission and no back seat, and it sell good, why make anything better?

They sell, and sell good, so why change?

Yes, and throwing it away on items with no guarantee in quality or function, or even getting what you see in the add, is not smart. It just discourages funcom from doing any sort of quality control, I mean why? You’ll buy it any way.

Perhaps one of the most ludicrous statements I have read of yours. Why would you run down your own pier group? Or admit to not being so bright. Some of the dumbest people I know are very well educated. Some of the poorest people I know are making $100K+ a year. Being rich does not make you smart, being smart does not make you rich. Never conflate money with intelligence or an education with common sense.

My experience the more money some one has the dumber they are with it. Especially if you were raised with it.

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You got that right. For some reason its really easy for really smart people to get really myopic about things… Like they cant see the forest from the trees.

That said, you are also guilty of this. Its peoples own choice, not yours, whether they buy this stuff. And as long as it sells, it makes sense for Funcom to provide it.

And as a really smart streamer I follow said: “Put your money where your time is”. If you spend money on something you love and spend a lot of time with, the money is not wasted. Quite the contrary.

That said, 300 croins for a cosmetic brush to go with a bathtub is too much.


Funny thing about “rage baiting” is that it is like you building a stage and hoping anyone who goes up there further your point.

The very fact that someone says “I dont know why they insist in doing business as they do if I dont think it works”. That just say you dont know anything about business or what people do.

In a World in which NFTs sell for more than 5 USD, you should NEVER make an argument about business selling digital things with no “exchange or use value”.

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Not when I have to suffer high prices and poor quality content because some people spend frivolously.

Oh that begs a question.

And lets say you buy it and find out it was someone elses work photo shopped and resold? Or what you get looks nothing like what you paid for? Or for some reason you get it with some errored out glitch, is it still worth what you paid for it? Would you blindly buy from that seller again? Would you recommend not to buy from this seller if they had a reputation for this?

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If a movie theatre decides to sell one ticket for 4x the price and only 1/3rd of the normal crowd is fine with paying that, they’ve made a bigger profit at the expense of less people enjoying it.

Now maybe the next time they split it into three parts. Even less people buy tickets, and even fewer are happy about it but they still make a profit.

So what’s the problem? The theatre is making record profits and the ones who bought tickets clearly can so why is anyone complaining about these anti-consumerist practices?

Bottom line is that funcom can be as anti-consumer as they want so long as they have a small fraction of people buying stuff. You guys as the consumer can buy what you want. But you have to understand that others are allowed to complain about the price and those who have enabled this price as much they want too. You’ve spent your money how you want and you’ve allowed funcom to shut others out at the same time. But ultimately it’s Funcom to blame for starting it.

Interesting analogy. Though I think my local theater makes a more accurate one.

They charge $6 for a ticket to a movie. Its the same as we paid 20 years ago, less if you factor in inflation. However that gets you in to see the movie. The drink is going to be expensive, and so is the popcorn. I’ve worked in movie theaters before. Soda syrup is pennies per serving, popcorn kernels even less, so when a drink and popcorn is $25, they are ripping big time.

Conan Exiles is relatively cheap for a modern game (not so cheap for our Console friends, which is a bigger issue I’ve brought up on numerous occasions). And buying that gets you the basic game. The other stuff is effectively the drinks and popcorn of a movie theater.

Though unlike other games, you can craft these items as much as you want. You can’t share them. But they aren’t one use. For example in EQ2 items similar to the OP above, would cost half or a quarter… but you get one, on one character, on one server.

But otherwise you are very much correct. If an item costs 4x as much and they sell a third, they make more. The numbers tell the story. The other part is the third get more value due to exclusivity. If only a third of people on a server that will even buy something are purchasing things, the ones who do will have a unique access over the majority and will likely buy more.

I remember a few discussions about making the Royal Armor and Atlantean Sword available again. There were people against it. They value exclusivity.

I personally don’t. But that’s just me.

But FC apparently sees exclusivity as a value our community has, even if not everyone does.

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People often always incur in the same flawed argument about how the value of something you buy works.

They often confuse the “Adam Smith” idea of value of something you you sell for the value of something you buy being derived or related to the value of something you sell.

When you are a business, sure, the value of what you sell correlates and is partially determined by the value of something you buy, the service, the materials and the space in which goods or services are performed.

Wnen you are buying something for your freaking leisure, it is a whole other game involved. That is the point. You dont buy an NFT or Crypto, or a freaking oven for the same reason you buy a pixel elevator for a game. Cant compare, cant correlate.

That is the whole problem with the “smart” argument. If you are buying parts for a product you will sell, sure, the best value and the best quality will incur in the best revenue for you. That has some kind of “smarts” involved, or some kind of objective value, exchange or use.

If you are buying a pixel elevator for your game, you can “pretend to yourself” it might have “hours of gameplay worth”, or “visual quality” or anything you might come up with as an excuse to make it value to YOURSELF. Contrary to the simple relation between I buy flour for a given price, I buy eggs for a given price, I buy yeast for a given price and a sell cake for a given price, or I buy a oven for a given price for 4 years of baking cakes I sell for a given price, the leisure goods have what accountants define as “Good Will”. It is defined as intangible for a reason, and it is named “Good Will” for a reason.

That is “end of argument” for any jab about “smarts” or “worth” in that type of purchase.


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Apple, pear, slow cooker, orange. One of these things is not like the others…

I’m sorry, @KorgFoehammer, I’m having trouble following your arguments because I’m still stuck on this. Can you explain it for me and everyone else, so we can truly appreciate the rest of your opinions on other people’s character?

All I can tell you is that there’s three kinds of people in the world. Those who are good at math and those who aren’t.


Just out of curiosity, do you ever reply to those you’re in a discussion with?

I’m asking seriously.

Because I have not seen it yet. You talk at them instead; with theories, analogies, analysis of their behaviours which are usually insults and how it correlates to your ideologies and world views.

Which is ironic considering you’ve criticized other participants, including myself, for having ideologies and world views.

I preferred your contributions when you talk to yourself about your mods in your own posts. At least they were creative, honest and interesting.


Its just a question of disposable income. It only becomes an issue of intelligence if spending on nonessentials affects the ability to pay for essentials. If your income is such that you can buy the things you want and buy the things you need and still have growing net worth… well… let’s just say that it isnt a matter of intelligence at that point. Its just a matter of want = have.


No it’s a question of being a responsible consumer and knowing how your supporting a broken system is bad for everyone.

It’s not really the pricing that puts me off. Yes some times the pricing is just ludicrous, but you can always wait for sales. The buyer beware store policy to me means funcom has no confidence in the quality of the product. If you do not have enough confidence in your product to guarantee it, I wont buy it at any price.

Its not bad for everyone. People are employed at Funcom for one and I don’t mind the current prices. I even buy my way completely thru the battlepass before I get a single level. Where I live, these prices don’t even equal a lunch at McDonalds, much less two beers. Hell, movie theater popcorn probably costs more. When your mortgage is $5300/mo for 1600 sq ft, $20 doesn’t look like much.

Awww that is so sweet you think funcom gets that money.

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If they dont bring in money, they cease to be employed. Never said they got it directly. A business unit/division that stops being profitable doesn’t have much purpose.