Arena Champion boss kill my Thrall while offline

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 5029
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Arena Champion boss kill my Thrall while offline

Bug Reproduction:

I was offline for 3 days, and when I logged back in, I saw that my Thrall messages were dead

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Many of these incidents have also occurred on PvE servers.
Although arena champions are not supposed to be stunned, there are illegal players who use some illegal means to stun them.
They pull the stunned arena champions with ropes and unleash them near other players’ slaves.
When the arena champion awakens from her stupor, she kills all the other players’ slaves nearby.
Unless funcom responds, this incident will continue until this game ends.
And funcom has no intention of responding to this incident.

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It looks like you forgot your dancer inside The Arena… It was the Arena Champion boss that killed her

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I don’t understand when my Thrall at my home.

I have been offline since November 1

What kind of server do you play on (official, private, with mods)?

i play in official server #5029 PVE-C no mod

Possibly a player with arena champion as follower killed your thrall, theres been an exploit going on.


If he was offline and she was not following obviously on pve-c she should not be able to be killed. I have read about the arena champion exploit. Edit not to be able to be killed

its an exploit, there was an item that could knock the arena champion. It was fixed, its no possible to produce this item, but players who made this item still have it on the servers and stills able to knockdown the arena champion and use her to kill guarding thralls. They should make her unthrallable to end this exploit definitivelly. As if it was not enough there are other 2 exploits people use to kill and loot our thralls, and both are well know by FC and stills running.


the arena champion bug is old as the game itself. it will never be fixed. official servers isn’t the best experience this game has to offer.

I don’t pvp so I don’t know exactly what you seen in your log when someone kills one of your followers, but two things come to mind:

  • a player named a thrall, any thrall, “Arena Champion”
  • a player named themself “Arena Champion”

Hes on pve-conflict server, in pve-conflict its not possible to kill someones guarding thrall by legitime ways, only by these exploits that are going around.

It would still show the real thrall name and not the custom name in the logs.

:brazil: bug Conan Exiles

Se isso realmente acontece vocĂŞ deveria enviar um ticket para o suporte ZENDESK

:brazil: Conan Exiles

Não vai acontecer, existem itens que tenho até hoje em meus personagens que estão na nuvem isso envolve ferramentas que não existem mais, porém fazem um grande estrago quando entro e baixo meus personagens da nuvem em servidor oficial PVP. É injusto por ser item que são quebrados por não existir mais dentro do jogo :relieved:

Para que isso aconteça a FC deveria excluir todas as contas em nuvem e eu apoio que seja feito a exclusão de todas as contas em nuvem de servidor oficial “público” g-portal :grinning:


after Chap II i cant play on Official server. Sometimes npc and thrall look at each other and don’t act and more bug. Don’t know how long I’ll have to wait for the developer to fix it.

Back before your name showed in the player list on pvp I had several trolling toons that were named after the npc’s in the starting area. I would find noobs building a sandstone shack and one shot them with my bow from a distance then slip off into the shadows . Those zingaran exile I’s were some sneaky bastards, slipping up behind unsuspecting noobs, one shorting them and then disappearing. I never looted any of them. Had to be confusing for a few of them though

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