Axe of the Lion doesn´t deal heavy attack damage

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: All
Server Type: All
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

Legendary axe of the lion does not do any heavy attack damage.

Bug Reproduction:

Do a heavy attack


After the buff of the legendaries, it got the same special as the Predatory blade, now it only deals damage with light attacks.


What a bs. Every legendary weapon should deal heavy attacks. Otherwise people think the weapon is broken.

If you are used to combining heavy and light attacks in combat and then you get forced to only deal light because you switch weapons then this doesn´t sound right to me.

Devs should look into this and at the very least update the weapon describtion so people know about this.

*big head shaking

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It’s still 103 damage for light attacks. Can you put a fencer kit on it? The game won’t let you for predatory blade but I’m curious if they allowed axe of lion.

I just checked, you can not.
Note, I use mods, which do not alter any of the vanilla legnedaries or kits, but who knows how they behave sometimes.
But I assume, even without mods, you can not apply fencer kit to that axe.

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Predatory weapons do extremely high damage for only light attacks. Also you can apply poison to them because they do not have ticking debuffs like most other legendary weapons.

Then they need to adjust the damage with the option of an heavy attack or those weapons need a proper item describtion. Either way, how it is it is not good at all.

Like a lot of things in this game need proper descriptions.

Can’t be that you need to consult a 3rd party wiki to learn the game…


I agree. Most items have no proper describtion, including workstations.

What sets me off about this predetory axe is that the whole concept of how an axe in this game works is that you are able to stun with the heavy attack. First hit heavy. And then hit again while the enemie is stun. That is how you get control over bosses. That is how we did bosses like the Arena Champion for years. That is the only purpose the axe has.

If I can´t do this with an axe then playing axe this is obsolete. Light attack damage is high but for what do I need those damage other as to one or two shot regular mobs. But I can do that with any other weapon too.

Beside spears I played axes for years and they are very reliable and very forgiving when you are not as good as a fighter or when you play on server with ping issues. I simply don´t understand why Funcom does such nonsense changes. But I fear they do not know themselfs what they are doing sometimes.

Then use literally ANY other axe in the game :smiley:

This one was clearly meant for people who only use light attacks (as weird as that sounds, there are a few out there)

The “Predatory” tag was an instant giveaway for anyone who played this game for a reasonable amount of time, at least I didn’t think twice about it… saw the tag and instantly knew it won’t deal heavy damage and it explained why it has a higher damage written on it than most (exactly like the predatory blade)

Aside from all this, fair enough, the game does not have give the most transparent information about everything to the player… but that’s not specifically a problem with this weapon imo. it’s a global thing and it’s just the nature of this game :man_shrugging:
If after 6 years you couldn’t get used to the game trying to keep secrets from you, there’s a possibility that this isn’t the right game for you and you just wish it was something else, even though it’s not.

Feedback is always nice ofc, but this in particular is not a bug and it’s working exactly as intended.


It’s not a bug, it’s intentional. You get up to 108 damage in light attack. So your cost is heavy damage is removed. Saw this in a PSA video long time ago.

Yeah, then I call it intentionally bugged.

They literally mutulated this poor axe. Who ever makes such decission as this needs a big fat buttox spanking. Legendary weapons are made to be usefull against bosses. I can hack and slay my way through regular mobs with any other weapon just fine. But I need to be able to stun bosses with a legendary axe, because I need to get close to the boss in order to hit with an axe. And that includes the axe of the lion.

I do not need another useless weapon in my stash.

Why? I like it. It’s different. It’s interesting.

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Water PvP. Very good damage underwater with light attacks.

But other than that the legendary is useless.


Today we got a scythe of thag.

Look at that damage output. 95 base damage. Can deal light and heavy attacks.

Now tell me again that the Axe of the Lion with 8 damage diferent is suppose to deal no heavy attack damage because of its high base damage.

Devs, fix this bs. This aint add up.

I am an axe junkie my self. But now the most reliable pve weapon is the sword not the axe anymore. Mace is standing high for 3 reasons.
1st charge attack. It’s the most efficient charge attack in this game and it completes the heavy combo even if you attacked with half pool stamima.
2nd. Extremely fast combo on 3 lights and last heavy that’s still cannot be stopped. Most efficient 2 lights 2 heavy.
3rd. Momentum… It doesn’t need more commentary.

Swords are absolutely faster and exact, yet you have to use smart the lights because they are combo breakers. If a sword existed (not predatory) with 90 dmg it will be the master weapon of all.

The improvements we have on axes are 2.
1st. Execution axe is more than one and finally your thralls getting experience if you use them.
2nd. Sunder axes, the most lethal of all.
Yet axes loose their combo now, almost every weapon can break their combo.

Best crafted pve, Abyssal hammer. A combination with Abyssal armor is literally crashing everything in your way, you are a bloody hurricane.
Best one shot weapon, sword of Crom. Use it with 4 perks on strength and slice literally every single mob and boss this game has. You one shot 95% of the map.

So, although i am an axe junkie, although i am sentimental with the axe of lion, it was my bud for years, the other options are so freaking awesome, that i toss it to a chest and never look back.
Predatory for pve works amazing on jhil caves, you don’t need heavy attacks there and the lights of the axe is grounding the birds.

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Come on now…
Btw. Just so you know… There ARE people out there who use axes and ONLY use light attacks… :slight_smile:

How do I know that? Because when the vendor was bugged and didn’t sell that specific weapon, there were multiple people complaining who, while being fully aware that they only do light damage, wanted to buy that specific weapon, saying that they prefer the light attacks of 1h axes :man_shrugging:

Like… can you actually present some reasons as to WHY this one weapon being different… and not in line with YOUR playstyle bothers you this much? :man_shrugging:

It makes no sense… like honestly… I keep reading this and I can’t come up with an explanation as to why any reasonable person would be this hung up on this and spend this much time on it?..

I fully understand the initial post… you weren’t aware that this weapon was intentionally made like this… but that has since been cleared up… the normal response is:
“Oh… I didn’t know, guess this weapon is not for me then”
and move on :man_shrugging:

Do you like the name of it so much? Because with the current game mechanics you can even illusion another axe to have this skin if it’s the looks…

As for the scythe of thag… you might want to take a second look, seeing as that’s a 2 handed weapon… and not even remotely in the same category as this.

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Its not about what other weapons does better then the axe. Its about that the whole idea behind predatory weapons is wrong. Especially with the axe because heavy attacks are vital for axes to work correctly.

And to make this clear I showed the picture above, where you can see the scythe of thag which makes only slightly less damage then the axe of the lion but does heavy attack damage and is also a legendary weapon but not a pred.

Things are not adding up with the predatory weapons. And its time to make that clear to the devs.

I am tired of them ignoring us, overhauling weapons again and again until they become useless to players to actually play with. By all means that can´t be it.

It can´t be that there are hundreds of weapons out there and people play only a handful of them because the rest was nerfed or changed so badly that they became useless for the most part.

Spears will be next.

I have to wonder who does those damage calculations and overhauls at Funcom. It seems like someone in the office drank a little too much and then was throwing arbitrarily damage values onto all weapons.

Doesn´t matter if its two handed. The explanation was that the predatory weapons deal more light attack damage then the “normal” legendary weapons which is clearly untrue.

And no, I will not move onto another weapon because Funcom messed it up and its time to clear that mess. Why should I accept things that are wrong? Why should I accept statements that are untrue?

They messed weapons up big and the axe is not the only example. If Funcom says they are doing an overhaul to weapons then people can expect to get an overhaul that makes sense and has a meaningfull impact in the game and not this mess of tossing around numbers and taking away heavy attacks for no reasons and call that a feature. That aint a feature, that is bs. Plain and simple.

Ps: and by the way, if someone only likes to hit left mousbutton only, be it. That shouldn´t prevent me from beeing able to do the oposit or both.

And that is true… within the SAME weapon type…

Here are the 1h axes in the game ordered by their light damage in descending order.
As you can see the top 2 have the Predatory tag and only do 1 heavy damage…
The closest 1h axe that also does heavy damage is 29 less damage than the Axe of the Lion…


Yes… it does… that’s like complaining that just because you found a heavy armor that has over 600 armor value, your light armor should have the same… They’re different categories and pursuing that specific angle kinda makes you look a bit like someone who isn’t capable of rational thought… I mean that in the friendliest way possible, it just seems off…

Funcom didn’t “mess up”… they changed this weapon 100% on purpose to be the one-handed axe variant of the Predatory Blade (which atm has 108 light damage and 1 heavy damage… but always had this mechanic of not doing damage on heavy attacks, even before the AoW weapon rework)

They are and as you can see most people in this thread are aware of that… so are the devs…

Some even said they LIKE the weapon the way it is…

It’s not preventing you from doing the opposite, or both… You CAN use any other weapon and do bigger heavy attacks… you also CAN use this weapon and do heavy attacks with it if that’s what you want to do… it still does damage, just a very miniscule amount :man_shrugging:

While you might be pissed at Funcom for whatever other reasons… trying to die on this hill is ridiculous…

And while I am 100% sure that you have no chance in hell of selling this as a “bug” and getting a change on it… it’s irritating to see that you have every other one handed axe to pick from… but like a spoiled kid in a candy shop you proceed to cry about this one…

Just because one of them happens to be different and made for a different playstyle (which evidently is liked by some other players), doesn’t mean you have to use that specific one and whine about it endlessly and try to somehow screw over those people who do like it by making fake bug reports about it… it’s just bad form, I think you need to do better… :man_shrugging:

Anyway, if you want to keep raging about this… knock yourself out :man_shrugging: I won’t stop you, but it’s making you look bitter and petty af.