Base has disappeared

Yes sir!

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I suggested it more as precautionary. I’ve never died while logged out without a reasonable explanation.

Dying while logged out is a mixed bag for others though; some from hunger, temperature, sandstorm, only “died” in logs, etc.,
 As we know the game is riddled with bugs and sometimes it is player error.

Better safe than sorry :smiling_face:

Not how it works. There has to be multiple reports on the server for funcom to investigate; not saying you need to be reported multiple times.

That is just another reason the system is such a fail.

Not to lend credence to anyone’s whine, but some player with an ax to grind reporting everyone on a server in a day, has a better chance of their reports being investigated then a few people reporting the same person over a week.

No REALLY If Just one people report and send screenshots and movie to funcom They Will Ban the Guy breaking rule i have done it sometimes Ago i recorded and send screenshots from a Guy living in the mesh in Volcano a other Guy spamming fire decorations and another one spamming outside of he base with doors

They ALL got dev wiped

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To clarify: 1 report for land claim violations does not result in action. There must be multiple reports for the server.

So yes, your report might have helped to address abuse but it wasn’t your report solely that prompted the investigation.

They gather the reports on a server. If there are multiple, the magical number that we don’t know, then they review. 1 report alone does nothing.

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Hey dude you work for funcom ?? :face_with_peeking_eye:

Edit : sorry miss

Hells no XD

I always suspected that volume was the catalyst. Then when they changed the ToC and added the blurb about “gathering” reports it made so much more sense. It corroborated my suspicions.

I used to really pay attention to this because there were so many discrepancies. It’s been demonstrable and those that know what mass reports truly mean know why this is true.

I also know exactly how to get someone an almost instant ban :wink: (which is something I will not say how so don’t ask).

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Can you help me for take a ban ? :rofl::rofl:

I think it mostly depends on the reports themselves , than on the numbers and if you follow through by answering them when they answer back ( if they ask for more details , or to tell them that no : “everything didn’t already resolve by themselves” )

I mean some people will send reports with 3 blurry screenshots and 3 lines
and not push further the email telling them that due to volume they didn’t have the time yet to investigate and for those kinds the numbers might make the investigation !
And some others will send a fully detailed pictured investigation or video documentary on every toxic activity the target of the report did . and those might take much less then you think for funcom to take action.

and finally let say that people nowadays can also come up with creative ways to fake reports I’ve seen enough on the forums of those elusive threads depicting several ways you could fake conversations or clan/character names upon many other things

you might be correct also on this @DeaconElie

and that would be one of bad side of

→ A player exploiting the exessive spam banning of clans on server

Then you’d be wrong, they have already said they don’t investigate a server till they have several reports.

My reports are in detail with multiple screen caps, including one of the foundation builder info and map corespondents. 50% never get investigated. Why? Because Bob is busy with mass PVP reporting.

People have been on some of these servers for a long as they have played, they just except things they way they are and think; like to many, there is some active construction enforcement apparatus in place. So when they see some massive expanse of a player village they think it’s ok because if it wasn’t they be actioned; either by admin or some game restriction. And that just perpetuates the issue.

So Donny sees Randy 50X50 ziggurat and decides he want to build one. Then Mike sees two and figures, why not. And then Richy shows up sees a server lagging like hell and covered with 50X50 ziggurats. Well these are clearly ToC violations so Richy reports them.

If Richy just reports one of the violating ziggurats nothing is going to happy, if he reports half a dozen it’s going to be investigated. Which is going to go either of 3 ways
1: The timed out builders are going to come on here and complain about getting banned when their build didn’t violate any rules; and as they see the server, they haven’t.
2: A few get timed out and come on here to complain about some transient player mass reporting their server.
3: Both the above.

But in that situation I can see why they would believe that.

Now I think most all of us agree the system is flawed to a failure. And i do believe us players can work out a system that is least objectionable to all. But that doesn’t do us any good does it?

whithout any response ?

whith the response that there is a high volume and they hope it has resolve by itself ? in this case have you reponded by email to the email ?

really curious not trying to argue here

Because I haven’t posted many reports in the 5 years I played on officials but all got through at some point in the process.

Even if some took wayy more time than a day for the response and a literal hour for the action but it was the first and at that time zendesk wasn’t a thing you had to pm a community manager here with all details , I sometimes go read it still as I also put a few screenshots of the several bases that I found beautiful on the server, and all my thralls that I wiped when the leveling system was introduced with the break bond feature

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50% of my reports end in “sorry we so busy, hope issue solved self byeeeeee”

I never gotten a response; other then the recieved report response, in less then a week. Yes I do the follow ups. From report to action takes a month, give or take.

Unless you are doing a twitch video and have followers quite literally following you around the server spam reporting builds. That is a zendesk flaw of a different color.

I’m sure some one will correct me if I’m wrong but zendesk may very well autoban if swamped with reports. None the less any system that depends on report volume can and will be abused.

You’re placing way too much faith in an idealistic system. It’s not and has never been fair or reasoned.

You can read it yourself in ToC for gathering reports, it’s there in black and white.


We had a base just outside of Sinners refuge completely sealed and sandstorm could reach us inside doingdamage. So we equipped sandstorm mask before logging off. To be safe

Stop spreading these false rumors. You only need ONE person to report. I’ve reported people a few times by myself and seen them get wiped. It takes a bit of time, but it works. Just because you THINK that it only can be done with multiple people reporting doesn’t make it true. The catch is to usually follow up with said report every week or so until they handle it.

If there’s any truth to this, it’s only PC. I’ve never had this issue on console. That’s the only commonality you and @DeaconElie have. There has never been a “volume” report requirement on PlayStation as I’ve done it multiple times successfully.

And how do you know it was just you. It’s reports per server; as far as I understand it.

As I have pointed out a few times, not my experience.

If I keep throwing rocks out my front door I will eventually hit a cop car.

Because I’ve done it on multiple cases. I even followed up with an admin on here to check my report and he said he would once they get through the backlog. It eventually happened and it was done.

There is a big old canOworms I’m not going to pull the top off of. But I have little faith in funcoms moderation of the servers. PVP gets the lions share of attention. No one on PVE wants to be that guy. The system is a failure from the feet up.

Your experiences don’t reflect everyone’s. It’s worked for me more than once
 more than twice. For you? I don’t know what to tell you, but you’re quite often negative on the subject because of a few bad experiences and you will tell everyone otherwise. You’re incorrect on this, but you can believe what you want.

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