Battlepass progression in admin mode

Yea its not working in admin mode in single player…as in when I spawn in enemies for the challenges and admin kill them im not getting credit. Was this changed? or is it messed up? Yea yea. I dont like the battlepass challenges,atleast this way I can still blow my money and get the stuff. :wink:
Works on my dedicated server tho…not admin.

There is a daily xp cap now and you can’t level BP using slomo command either. Also killing spawned enemies don’t give xp. Have to kill naturally spawned mobs.

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No it doesn’t work with any admin-spawned creatures any more. Even if you spawn them and return to normal mode before killing them.

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Bah! I have to grind this crap since I paid for it!
Lol Thanks for clearing this up. :slight_smile:

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