Bearer inventory bug

Game mode: Single-player)
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: single
Region: US

very briefly, right after the first patch that put pets and food onto the main line build, I noticed that my bearer thralls had increased inventory. A bearer I had 2 rows, bearer II had more, bearer III had more than that. I was super pleased because this was how I had always assumed the bearer levels were supposed to work, and now I could actually get some use out of the bearers that I had previously enslaved just to steal their knapsacks. But now, after a hotfix and the Halloween patch, I broke another couple of bearer II’s on the wheel and they only have one row of inventory slots. All the existing bearers that got “upgraded” still have their increased slots, but the new ones have no more slots than a fighter/archer/dancer. I don’t know which patch it was that broke this, because I didn’t immediately put any new bearers on the wheel. Also, I guess I don’t even know if a new thrall ever would have come off the wheel with bigger inventory, as all the ones I have were already mine before the patch that seemed to fix them. I hope “break” and “fix” are the right terms here, and that this is really a bug, because higher level BEARER thralls having bigger inventories makes so much more sense than the basically useless bearer thralls that existed heretofore.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. After the jhebbal sag/pets update, check your bearer inventory.
  2. see that they have increased inventory space, depending on their level
  3. patch up to the next hotfix, or Halloween, or Halloween hotfix (not sure)
  4. break a new bearer thrall
  5. check her inventory and see that she only has 5 slots
  6. check inventory of old bearer thralls and see that they still have more slots, dependent on level

Official server? if not it’s probably a mod causing that. No problem here. Got a T3 and a T4 bearer and they have lots of lots.

its singleplayer and I do have mods running. Its just weird that it worked for a bit and then went away. I haven’t added any mods in a long time, so its the same mods list before, during and after.

Thanks for the suggestion tho, and can you please clarify something:
Have you broken these T3 and T4 recently, or did you have them before the patch? Like I mentioned, my older bearers are still working fine. Its just that after I saw that thralls weren’t useless anymore, I went hunting for some better ones, and none of the new ones have popped off the wheel with the upgraded inventory.

I’m almost 100% sure the one I’m using (T4) I broke after the patch.


For anybody else who encounters this, it looks like it was the mod “feminize” that makes more thralls spawn female. (messes with the thrall stat tables, so I should’ve guessed) The good news is, if you disable it and run the game, your existing broken bearers will get fixed. You can re-enable it afterwards and they will remain fixed. I have another T3 on a wheel and will report if she comes off un-bugged while the mod is running, or if I have to cycle the mod after she spawns to fix her.

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