Bearer (Sherpa) Health cut in half in Ch 4

Of course.
It seems we will have a new command to do just what you are suggesting: Flee.
So why remove their fighting ability on top of that? I prefer having the choice. :blush:

Didnā€™t we have the same thing when the crafter thralls were overhauled? They also were hostile to their regular factions.

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I went into SP on Beta and SP on Chapter 3. Spawned in a bunch of t4 Bearers from both EL and Siptah. I compared only the initial HP totals. The EL Bearers best starting HP was from Rethrous at 2951. Surprisingly the Siptah Bearers all gained HP, with one of them starting out with 3232 HP.

Not sure how the vit per point gain factors into it.

This one meant that in lieu of reducing the Bearer HP to irrelevant for being a treasure caddy levels, they could be non-combatants.

But regardless, after the nerf, some will be starting with a few hundred HP, making them not even speed bumps, they will be dead long before they unholster their thumbs from their effluvium spouts.


I see, @LostBrythunian . A trade off. Same HP without fighting capacity.
Well, I understand it, but that would be assuming such trade off has any reason to exist, while the whole premise is flawed. Bearers are already unsuitable for combat. This is Funcom fixing what isnā€™t broken. Again. :smile:
I sincerely donā€™t know why they do it. It is bewildering.
Anyway, for the sake of the discussion, I donā€™t know which would I prefer. Your trade off or the ability to fight, even with half HP, assuming the command Flee isnā€™t botched. Honestly, I donā€™t know. We will find out soon enoughā€¦


Yea I think thatā€™s 100% what happened. Sadly no surprise but quite hilarious.

A problem arises when youā€™re running a War Party build with a fighter and bearer. I always build with war party and beast of burden. However, the road to getting there will be hard on my thralls.

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