Bearer (Sherpa) Health cut in half in Ch 4

Horses used to kick.
That was taken away.

But this one’s point is specifically against the “immersion” portion of the argument.
A person being unable to fight is no more absurd than a horse being unable to kick.

This one respects if it is simply not to your preferences.

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Yes, I already said it and explained why. I find it less immersive, whether you agree or not, @LostBrythunian .
It feels more natural to see a horse fleeing the fight than seeing a dude getting his ass kicked while standing still, like it happens if you issue the stop command. Take away bearer’s fighting ability and that’s what will happen. He doesn’t coward. He doesn’t have that behavior kicking in, although the fear emotes exist. He simply stands still getting hit and doing nothing.That’s also a behavior that has been improved on thralls, apparently, as we will be able to issue the command for them to stop, but defending themselves if attacked. So I disagree exactly in terms of immersion. Most horses flee if attacked. I should know since I have a couple and have been around horses since I was a kid, although admittedly I am not in the habit of attacking them. But generally they will flee, unless cornered or trained otherwise.
The horsekicks should have stayed in the game, btw… it’s not that they never do it, especially stalions, and they can easily kill a man. That’s true. They also bite very hard. :wink:

Unless he is a follower of the cult of the crucified teacher and turns the other cheek. :innocent:
We need to give the developers an idea to add such a religion.

It’s unnatural, you see @Teng . They stand there being hit like it was nothing until they die. If they used emotes we already have, simulating someone paralyzed by fear and cowering, that would be cool. But nothing like that happens. They just get beaten to death as if nothing was happening.
But we are going off topic.
Was the health reduction necessary? That’s what matters now.

We still have some low-level bearers with a high health step. For example, Kushite bearer Tier 1. He has a health step of 231.
But the problem is that lately, wherever I go, I find the bearers dead. As I understand it, they attack their fellow tribesmen, and they kill them.
Unless they can be found in the Den.


:smile: Really? I never saw that happening. I know about the volcano miniboss, but I had no idea that bearers were doing the same. They knew about the nerf and this is them revolting! :smile:
But is that happening in the beta? Or is it a thing in the game? Because last time I was in Sepermeru and the Den, I didn’t see such occurrence.

Everything is fine in the Den.
But in all the pirate camps and among the Nordheimers they are dead.
This is in the present game.


Now, that’s something that actually needs fixing!

Can confirm this. Every time I come up on a camp that has a bearer, they are attacking their fellow NPCs in the camp. Invariably they end up dead, though sometimes they manage to take one with them.


Oh boy, I gotta see this. Later I will check it and help the sod! :smile: Then I’ll knock him out for being a bully, just for good measure. There’s always a bearer inside the “circle of death” on the mounds. I’ll check that one, but I suspect he won’t last long…

And this started just a few days ago.
The game lives its own life.
The bearer union went on strike. :upside_down_face:
PS In Sepermeru the bearer behaves normally.

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I guess they assigned some of the bearers to the wrong faction and they are now literally in enemy territory

how did this get past the QA department?

Actually, I’m not surprised.


Are they fighting the other npcs in the same camp as them?

Yes. The exception, as Teng noted, is Sepermeru. There they just stroll along as per usual. Every where else they are picking fights with their camp mates.

That’s absolutely amazing…

:smile: this is hilarious.


Gratitude, this one needed a good laugh.

Most horses also flee while mounted if attacked.
Warhorses hold composure in the field.
They kick.
If the horse doesn’t bolt (rider or no) at the first sign of danger, it fights.

This one didn’t mean to suggest the bearer stand there and pick their nose while being murdered (well, no more than any other thralls standing there picking their noses while being murdered) but instead use the mount coding of fleeing away automatically.

This one’s verisimilitude regarding the matter of creatures defending themselves has long been broken. Apologies for not recognizing others still managed to hold on to any. That’s not a dig, rather a mea culpa of assumption.

if I remember correctly, in “The Spider God” Conan had a trained warhorse (from Turan I think) that killed a sorcerer on his command



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