BETA - Crafters do not act lively after cutting off pathing to placeable needs and respective benches

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Crafters do not act lively after cutting off pathing to placeable needs and respective benches.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Place crafters
  2. Watch as they perform “lively” settlement actions; move about the base, sit in a chair, warm hands by fire, lay in bed, act at benches
  3. Obstruct pathing with other benches that they do not provide bonuses to and settlement needs: fire, chair and bed
  4. Move/guard thralls
  5. Remove pathing barriers and see they do not resume lively settlement actions
  6. Assign thrall to bench but they don’t move from the bench
  7. Move and guard crafters close to respective profession benches
  8. Give it a chance with several server restarts, no resumption of lively settlement actions

So here’s how I discovered there was a problem: I placed the thralls before completing my base layout. So I do as I normally do, I moved things around. Bunched up placeables and benches allowing me to work systematically on one section at a time. In no order, moving benches > placeables > thralls as I went. The unfortunate (or fortunate?) thing is that I cut off access to the “needs” placeables and various benches and in so doing broke the crafting thralls “liveliness”. It doesn’t matter how much I try I cannot make previously placed worker thralls be “lively” again. They now stand still as if they are fighter/dancer/bearer thralls; they look around, their hair moves, dust their thighs, etc.,…

Here they all are just standing around:

This is my followers list:

It started when I moved things around for the layout:

And here we can see some errors “Didn’t find CampSystemComponent”:

Some repro

Placed Shemite Cook I, she walked over to the preservation barrel and is working:

Then she moved over to the chair:

Stood around for some time, just staring about. This is important as the stillness after a chair seems to be long. I’d observed this many times, upwards of 5 minutes, unlike any other action that she would perform such as going from bed to stove.

Then went to the stove to do some cooking:

Now taking a nap:

Only moving the placeables won’t matter, doesn’t matter if you place them on top of things or on another floor, the thralls will teleport or access the placeable from afar without animation, you can tell because you can’t move it.

Using benches to block off access to both needs based placeables and the benches they use is what did it, here is what I did with a few benches, kept her in there:

Then I moved and placed her outside of the obstruction, this is when she went still:

What is also interesting is I’d obtained a T4 carpenter saved from a cage while performing the repro, came back and placed her with the needs and benches obstructed, she has not moved yet.

This was a very very long repro, the workers can stay at a station or rest spot for 5 minutes or more, sometimes 15. Waiting was a PITA.

Although I have not tested it yet, my suspicion is that moving bases is going to be an issue.

Now I can get rid of her since she’s defaulting on my cauldron -_-

Unable to provide a video.


Just realized my rat has been stationary for hours too… hmm

Wanted to update that there has been no change since I filed this report. They’re all just standing around staring at me.

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When I place new thralls they will start their needs cycle, but that ends when I go out of render range, where they were; chair, bed, bench, is where they stay.

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Noticed that with my first T4, she hung out in bed and only the bed.

None do a thing now because of what I did.

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not surprised, i am following and taking notes of all the issues that you are reporting kiki…

just want to see how this issues will actually affect real official servers when it hits public.

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