my crafters were all automatically place in the table storage, just unsure if its safe to drop them yet
Ultimately it’s of course your decision. I decided to place some T4s that I had dupes of out but only put out a T3 armorer and blacksmith. And no priests. The ones I’ve put out seem safe for now but we don’t know what will happen when the next patch comes which is the reason for my hesitation to put out rarer T4s.
Luckily I made a bunch of armor and religion tools ahead of the release so I don’t really need those rarer T4s for a while.
As the disappearing thrall bug is still active for official servers until the impending Funcom Patch (early next week?), you may want to hold off.
If you are playing Solo or on Private, and have the Living Settlements switched off for Server Options, then placing the thralls is like before.
I would wait until the Patch lands, any issues following that (sometimes are), and then, once the Forum starts stating that all’s good, Then place thralls on Official.
Every single Update, new Chapter or otherwise, has needed a Patch and sometimes even Hotfixes. The game is big, caters to multiplatforms and so on, so this is not unexpected.
Good luck!
Didn’t they temporarily disable Living Settlements on officials until they could get said patch ready though? Did that not happen or is the bug still occurring in spite of the change?
Side note. I left it on for my single player session just to see if I experience the bug for myself there. So far though, nada. But I started fresh after the patch and my base is still a bit of a mess consisting of a bunch of crafting tables spread more or less randomly over a layout foundation with next to no walls. Got one of almost every crafter just milling about working their tables for now. Makes me wonder what the specific conditions are that makes them teleport off to 0,0,0.
Yes, but how well it worked is questionable. I had 2 thralls still wandering but luckily they didn’t wander far. People are still having thralls vanish to 0,0,0.
I’d say even if they don’t wander, I’m still considering what happened to barkeepers. There’s a chance any crafter thralls disappear upon patching the game, just like the barkeepers disappeared (Funcom: “oops! You have to replace those now too. Oh well…”). I’m not risking it.
i found stinkfingers in a cage, so freed him, placed him at a bench, then another, both benches have him listed as working on them both?
Yes they did, but I would be very careful placing thralls. I am taking it as granted that the placed thralls will still work fine once the patch lands, BUT I have leanred it is best to be prepared and would therefore not place unless I really had to. It may be a good time to place all those pesky lvl 1 and 2 thralls.
That’s a new feature. One thrall can work multiple benches, so you don’t have to go out and get five smelters to work all your furnaces, for example. You can also select which thrall you want working a bench, so if you’ve got every type of T4 blacksmith, you can just select which one you want the bonuses from on a bench at any time.
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