(Potentially) helpful TIP for missing placed crafters:

I’m not sure if this will help in every case, but it seems to help in some cases:

If you’re missing crafters, go to follower menu, select the missing crafters, and select “stats”

It seems for some reason, viewing their stat screen for a minute or two makes them pop into place.

Notably, the missing thralls stats always give the “loading distant follower” message before popping up. :woman_shrugging:t3: Then they’re at their station tooling away like they never disappeared.

(NOTE that this only seems to be working for thralls still on your follower list lol… For the dead and gone ones, well… RIP.)


Well, I tried that … the only effect it had for me is that the missing thrall, after viewing the stats, disappeared from my list completely :smile:

Oh Funcom - you never disappoint :smiley:


my monitor is now wet from laughter ohhh RegenCoE thanks. Whatta funny comment but sorry for your loss.

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Not missing. Look in the crafting stations. Thats where mine were at. Boneheads remove the thrall slots on the stations.

No they’re actually disappearing after placement.


They are running into Palisades, continuing to take damage until dead.

The missing artisan thralls are all at the 0,0,0 vortex:

yeah my thralls at my workstations disappeared and are no longer affecting the work stations. Looking at the followers list, the text is a different color, and it shows the thralls to be in my base, but they are not there. They were there last night when I logged off. I log in to find them NOT affecting my benches. This totally sucks.

Sounds good up until “event log”

My vanished and subsequently (presumed dead) edgesmith poofed from the list shortly after vanishing but does not at all show up in logs.

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Okay. That was information I collected from others, and I may not have that right. I’ll go and edit / update the post to account for that. Thank you.

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