So foolishly I put out four named crafter thralls last night. First one of them disappeared from the base. On the followers list I could see him, he was about 1/2 the way across the map near the keyhole. So I ran up there and there he was about 20 blocks up in the sky. After a few seconds he disappeared. I looked at the followers list and it had changed from Guarding to Returning Home. I can’t wait, I’m so excited, to have my other crafter thralls disappear so I can go chase them down on the map! What fun! And I dare not put out any more thralls, I don’t want them disappearing. I mean seriously, didn’t they play test this update AT ALL? WTF?!!
Yes. This is a known issue.
Well. Known by the player community. Funcom has yet to adequately comment on the disappearing of thralls.
Some explanation and guidance can be found here:
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