Black Dragon pike Bug

Game mode: Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: EU

Black Dragon Pike does not give 50 stam anymore seems like a bug to me. Mods used only Pippi.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Add the Black Dragon Pike per Admin Panel
  2. Equip it
  3. No extra stam comes from it. ( 50 )

Can confirm this for an other official server (pvp).

Also getting the same results, can confirm.

OMG, please tell me this was unintended. After months of opening chests I finally got a spare pike two days ago. I never go anywhere without my black dragon pike.

I’m on PS4 and can confirm this “nerf”

Confirmed on solo and private on-line, no mods.

@Ignasi, it does not look like this was intended; could it be linked to the Black Blood tool issue?



Hey there,

This seems like an unintended issue. Our team will look into it.
Thanks for the feedback.


We are also looking to it?

I’ve recieved a warning, but be more specific too please?


Hopefully its getting fixed soonish :smiley: And thanks for the reply @Ignasi <3

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