Bow damage is too high

As long as target lock + dagger left click spam is the main mechanic used on officials, you will not see bows getting used.

@TheReaperOfChess once wrote me shortly after 3.0 that he was playing on a private server, where a whole clan was using bows and they had no chance of defeating that clan.

Usually you had only 1-2 players of a clan use a bow because of the separated ACCURACY attribute. Now every clan member can carry a bow and deal a ton of damage thanks to the high armor pen and agility attribute.

As I already said, nerfing one thing buffs other things. The removal of the Katana oneshot opened up the bow to shine (another high damage mechanic).

Nerfing target lock to be unable to lock on players would shift the META on officials or any target lock server from left click dagger spam to something else. I guess it will probably shift to mario build even more, because oneshot with no risk + high reward.

As for the damage calculation of the bow, I would actually like to see a dev reply on that topic @Community


You don’t need a dev reply, its in the devkit for everyone to see. I’ve been kinda lazy about looking into it lately because I’m waiting for the next update before adding some features that need to be tested live and I don’t exactly have a testlive server available for that.

Xevyr might beat me to it though. He’s a little quicker at sifting through that section.

No, actually used a bowmaker, however the master weapon fitting adds 12% and your typical bow has around 8% and arrows have ~20% (even the black ice one since it’s actually 19.8, it just shows up as 19 onscreen)

Well, while indeed those are the optimal ones, you can get a very similar effect with your very basic star metal bow and the damage will really not be much different in practice.

They actually do and the only attack happening is raised by the collision event of your enemies hitbox and the projectile
Here’s a picture :slight_smile:

That’s 75.7% armor penetration from a bow shot with the above mentioned setup
Voidforge bow with bowmaker, master weapon fitting
These are the penetration values for the items, bowmakers don’t have a penetration bonus at all and the master weapon fitting adds 0.12
So that’s 0.08919 + 0.198 + 0.12 + 0.1 (Precision Strike) + 0.25 (Rolling Thrust) = 0.75719 (just like you see the value being used at the code breakpoint above) so they all add up

And as a bonus I have Agi gear on and this shot was doing 359 damage vs full heavy armor of 1758 (and a headshot multiplier of 1.4)

However I repeat what I said, I really don’t think the bow damage itself is high, I think it’s right at the correct spot and like others pointed out when it comes to fighting creatures it can even be a bit underwhelming, though a decent option.
The issue comes from the unforeseen interaction of all the perks, especially rolling thrust which should NOT apply to a bow shot


If the arrows are adding their armor pen to the attack and not acting as a separate weapon. Then rolling thrust and precision strike isn’t even needed. Just use Hollowbone arrows.

But it is relatively easy to test, just need an arrow with 0 dmg and 0% armor pen and see if the attack does more damage if the arrow is changed to 0 dmg and 100%. Last time I tested this, it didn’t. But I haven’t tested it since 3.0

On paper, I would agree but these are unreliable to get and eat your time farming. Even the black ice arrows are ones I don’t typically go for because making the requires uncertainty in the fact that you can get ambushed. Good ole star metal… maybe dragonbone if I’m sitting in excess.

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Good morning everyone. As you probably know I am not a PVP player. Would prefer PVE archery not to be changed if it is I can live with it. Just some real world experience I have put a broadhead arrow through a 55 gallon barrel completely passed thru. Hard on arrows by the way. Take a 10 ×10 card board box installed pillow stuffing if not hit on the edge will stop arrows all day long until tattered. Completely passes through a turkey. So if you don’t want to be a Barrel or a Turkey grab yourself some pillows. This was a long read came up with this when I got up this morning. That was the good old days doubt shoulder would care for it now.


I read most of this thread, and my first reaction was “they are changing the great axe, again???” :exploding_head:

I prefer not to change pvp just on the whim of another change. (New thread?)

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I hope they will not change the weapons, but balance the perks and attributes first.


I still stand by that the game is designed with PvE in mind but revised with pvp feedback leaving both groups unhappy.


Funcom said PvP balance is hard. It certainly is, because of skill/knowledge difference between the players, next to things like viability of a weapon etc.

Also if you do not play/test your game to the extend of some hardcore players, you will never figure out effects like rolling thrust impact on archery for example.

They need to listen to the players and evaluate/test the reported things more thoroughly. Ask back for more details etc.

The best thing would be to actively watch their game and how it is played on officials/privates etc. Implement a MM system to group the players by skill. Then watch the high skill scene for what is possible. But the game is not really made for a MM system, because its a Sandbox survival game where there is no real goal or winning condition that you can achieve. If Funcom figures out how to implement a MM system into a sandbox survival game, I will be highly impressed.


This is from @nitecat
Back and forth Back and forth leave the Damn BOWS ALONE. There is always someone who will complain about anything they can think of.


How about they just make it so perks don’t apply on PvP servers. Since apparently you guys can’t have nice things.


Thats helpful thanks

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It’s helpful preserving the PvE experience. Thanks.


It’s not nice when it’s not working properly to the game. It’s not like the game has changed drasticly how to get played since start. It mostly feels like Conan became a experiment for future tasks. And the experiments is not doing that well.

It’s interesting that all the updates they do PVE is prettt much fine with all the changes. And PvP is fine with some but wants tuning on certain stuff, and when we want tuning it’s bad. Trust me, even if they fixed and balanced the perksystem PVE will be as playable as it is and has been. Some just have to realise that the first version of the new perksystem is not great.

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Yeah honestly, I wish Conan could have a good pvp experience but over the years, I’ve come to conclusion its just impossible to please that subset from what I’ve seen on the forums, which is the only vocal set. One thing gets changed, now this is borked, another thing gets changed, now this is ruined. It doesnt seem to make any headway. I get the suggestion of studying how people pvp, but honestly, would that be justified by the business? They get railed as p2w when a gibbet is slightly smaller than a wheel of pain, they release a map with new content that must either be free or its labeled p2w; it seems like a lost cause. Paying people at FC to study pvp methods sounds like a giant time sink if they aren’t allowed to market items to pvp because they would be labeled p2w. “Study us to please us but don’t sell us anything that we want in particular.” I don’t know how that circle is squared.

How about just make rolling thrust melee only? It’s not like you can thrust a bow pull and the perk flat out say “swing” in it. I don’t believe it was designed for bows and therefore just take it away from that type of combat. That would reduce the AP minmax by 25%.


How about making it agility melee only?


See this is where the pvp / pve fights start.

Your telling me that a broken 1st release new perk system not changing is preserving the pve experience?
And that it absolutly cannot be revised?


The tuning that gets done is usually bad, though. Look, it’s nothing against you folks. But at this point its an exercise in futility. PvP in this game is never going to be great. Every change is an overcorrection. It has nothing to do with PvE being challenging or not either. It has to do with things that are fun and interesting being robbed from us in the sake of PvP balance.

Most of the games I’ve seen successfully blend PvP and PvE tend to have some separation of the systems in terms of stats/attributes/damage modifiers/etc, which is likely what this game would need but it’s just not likely to happen.

Though, full disclosure, some of the complaints genuinely feel like people unwilling or unable to adapt to change. Why shouldn’t a head shot with a bow nearly kill you?