Bow damage is too high

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That is not the case @erjoh
It that was actually true, then you would see more of a difference between them even with 75% penetration :slight_smile:

Armor penetration is multiplicative and not additive as of 3.0.
Formula is: <New_DR> = <DR> x (1 - ArP)
So for example if you have a target with 2000 Armor (80% DR, or 0.8) and a weapon with 40% ArP (0.4) then the damage reduction of your target would be 0.8*(1-0.4) = 0.48 (48%)
When you get to lower armor amounts… 500 Armor (50% DR) that would be 0.5*(1-0.4) = 0.3

Which is even worse than what you described :slight_smile: Since that will make the difference between very minmaxed heavy armor… and light armor a mere 18% damage reduction (in the case of this 40% penetration weapon)

If it was the old formula, then it would almost completely get rid of the light armor :slight_smile: So this equation favors light armor, despite the change to the armor curve itself being against it.


They can change how armor pen affects different levels of armor I’m sure. Might not be quick
Or easy.

Ie armor being more severe for light, baseline at medium, less effective vs heavy. Simply changing the armor pen on a bow for example isn’t going to change the fact that you aren’t as vulnerable in light armor compared to heavy as you should be.

He showed you that your “advice” didnt work. Stop being so butthurt mr.Besserwisser. You act like you know stuff. When you obviously dont have any knowledge at all. Would like to see you join one of the private servers both me and @SirDaveWolf playing on and see if it’s so staged as you say. Fresh wipe Darfari come there and proof.

From what you make it sound like you would prob wipe out whole server in just a couple of days. Or maybe not :stuck_out_tongue:

Messing with the Armor Pen is going to factor heavily in encounters where Bows are already have been stated to be weak in. If Light Armor is too protective, then simply cutting its values in half across the board will get the results you’re looking for. If that’s the route that needs to be taken.

I know how to conduct myself on provided servers without resorting to exploits, hacks, and cheats. Something you have proven to be incapable of doing.

What you believe I dont care of at all. Like I said come visit the private servers I mentioned and proof me and others that your “advices” and “tactics” actually works.

And also, I doubt I would spend time here and actually want to see changes in the game if I actually was banned for hacks. But like I said Mr.Besserwisser I couldnt care less about what you are thinking :slight_smile:

Rather see you show that your talk is real. :slight_smile:

Get your status with provided servers sorted out here first:

I dont have too. :slight_smile: they did their conclusion and I accept it. It’s allright :slight_smile: just sad that’s the way they working you know.

Still welcomed too show us your fantastic tactics and advices for real. So c’mon Mr.Besserwisser let us experience it!

You have my condition. Take it or leave it. Its set in stone.

Already done it, so guess I see you in the server in a day or 2 then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nah nvm. Learn how the game actually works, you probably good at other stuff. But giving advice on how to play PVP is not your thing.

he got that discord mod/twitch mod superiority complex

I at no point said they where low skilled. I said “If the skill of the three melee players was even then the guy getting 2 v 1ed would have died leaving you alone to fight your own 2 v 1 battle.”

Not that you seem to care about anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.

Would you please break the math down on that for this one.
Not meant as a counter point, just curious what combination of perks, ammo, and bow is in use.

Full disclosure, this one will be starting an archery focus solo PvP run in the coming month to field test some things that this one may have been more than a little off base on. To do a real stress test, one does need the finest of cheeses.

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Not fair to compare a low HP build to a max damage bow build.

Put points in vitality, armor, or as someone else stated, use a shield.

Of course you take a lot of damage when you designed your character to have a small HP pool.

Leave BOW’s alone. (I don’t use a bow.)


I already done so above :slight_smile:


Are we using a Fletcher Carpenter to get the bow/arrow total penetration to 40?
Or is this exclusively reach fo the Red Mother?

NVM, just looked at an updated arrow penetration value chart.

Oh dear.

Red Mother is even stronger in AP. With red mother you can almost get 100% AP ignoring any armor @GodisGood

Shields are bugged. There is a way to still damage someone holding a shield with arrows.

The carpenter was bowmaker. The one that increases damage. Same as bladesmith, best you can get currently. Bows you should target for:

EL: Khari Bow
Siptah: Voidforged Bow

Arrows you should use:

Obsidian Arrows or Star Metal Arrows

Oh and put a master weapon fitting on the bow. Anything else is a noob bait.


So very functional kit is locked behind light RNG on EL or harsher RNG on Siptah (Grandmaster Weaponsmith can be a nuisance to farm on Siptah).
Optimal busted kit is restricted to Exiled Lands (Reach of Red Mother) which is a very harsh RNG.

But starting to get into the absurdity seems easy enough.

Does anyone use Deadshot or is this all banked on Precision Strike?

Personally, this one has issues leading targets, and so inherently wants to use the bow from the farthest distance possible, but, especially if this is supposed to couple with Rolling Thrust, this will take a bit of practice…

This one doesn’t want to foul the experiment because of their own sucking.

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It’s a matter of taste. Eventually it boils down where to aim to hit a moving target, so precision strike is what I personally prefer.


Just a FYI, Bow and Arrows do not add their Armor Penetration together unless something changed in 3.0. The damage the bow and the arrow does in an attack is calculated as two separate attacks.

This was something I found out in 2018 when trying to make a mod to fix some issues that archery had. The idea was that the bows would have all the damage, and the type of arrow you used determined the Armor Pen. During testing, high armor pen arrows with no or low damage were not adding to the damage output of bows. In which case I found out that the two were making separate attacks.

So a Reach of the Red Mother with Black Ice Arrows does two attacks. One 30 damage, 30% armor penetration (or 35 dmg, 42% armor pen with weapon kit) and one 21 damage, 19.8% armor penetration attack per shot.

The thing I don’t understand in this thread, is there was discussions about these perks in September and they were mostly discarded as not being worth it. What changed in the last four months?

I’m getting some Dual Raven from Planetside 2 vibes from this. Little history lesson about those for many who haven’t played the game before, but the Ravens were these guided missiles that would follow the crosshair after being fired, and didn’t exactly do a ton of damage, but you had a magazine of like 5 and could dual wield them like any other MAX (powered armor) weapon. When they were added to the game, no one wanted to touch them. Burst damage was too low, DPS was mediocre and you had to stay exposed to vehicular fire to sustain.

Six months later, people realized the downside wasn’t nearly as bad as was originally thought and many did start to like the consistent near pinpoint damage they could manage. So the popularity grew and thus the complaints came in.

A weapon system available for just over half a year was getting nerf calls when originally it had zero favorability, and no patches in the time had buffed it.

The only difference here is we’re not seeing a popular widespread use case. Its not like the bugged multi-hit function of the Lance where you couldn’t walk around without someone trying to skewer you. And there is less people using it than even the Katana pre-nerf. I don’t believe this is going to be something that is going to take off.