Game mode: Online official EU #1105
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: Europe
Can’t complete journeys:
- Obtain an animal companion
- Obtain a mount
I have started to play a couple of months ago. At the beginning, I didn’t have it at all these two quests. Somewhere a month (or a month and half) ago, they appeared and I can’t complete these journey quests after that. I play without mods on the official server in the Lands of Exiles.
Here is step-by-step process :
- Place an animal in the animal enclosure (Hyena, Tiger, Bear, Boar)
- Place a horse in a stable
- Wait for the tam
- Place the animals
- Unable to unlock the journey
- Unable to go to step 5 of the journey
I also tried to ride the horse, to fight with assisting pets - nothing changed.
Other journeys completing as intended.
Can you help me with this issue ?