BUG:Inventory crash bug with LARGE Inventory, verified

Hello all,
this bug is quite frustrating as it only happens if your inv size > 64
This bug causes character to crash when entering MB twice or exiting MB twice.
So you can enter MB, exit, crash, reload, and repeat
Murin has maxed inv size of 135.
My alt has inv size of 65 and crashed all the time.

I have four alts with inv size of 55, none of them crashes.

Moving items from inventory to the bank afterwards, doesn’t help.

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That’s… weird. So you entered Deep Agartha, turned around and walked right back into the portal to exit right back out instead of going to the arena platform, then you entered Deep Agartha immediately again and then crashed?

Guess yes, 1st let’s say I started the client, then logged in with Murin for MBs, I’d be successfull to enter once and probably leave out of the instance. If I try that 2nd time I always crash to bug report. So it is one MB per bug report =) When I reconnect the client sometimes when I crash, I get inside the instance, sometimes I stay outside next the portal. Same with 65inv.

I have usually have 135 inventory slots full when I participate in the megabosses. Heck, I sometimes have even more slots full when I enter what I call ‘negative space’ where I’ve put stuff in my Upgrade window so I can loot the Reward Chests and poke their Overflow Lootbags. I’ve never personally experienced the behavior you describe, especially if it’s normal procedure of ‘enter Deep Agartha playfield’ → ‘run to the boss platform and go fight/loot’ → ‘exit Deep Agartha playfield back to Agartha playfield’ → ‘enter Deep Agartha playfield’.

Did you have your inventory window open each time you zoned?

What’s common with both Murin (135 inv) and alt (65inv). We keep all the stackable items in iventory like NYR essences (300), all lair essences up to 100, potions up 100, cakes up 100, anything that is stackable.
With inv 4 alts, I put all essences in bank. No Problems. Probably a memory problem?

Does the crash report window say anything specific on top? That window usually says if it’s memory-related when it shows up.

I’ll let you know tomorrow providing I can enter the game…

I entered 1st MB… done, out… then next… crashed to desktop.
Got this one:

Then I logged back I was again back on MB portal platform…

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Inv is not open when I zoned…

Bong… 'd be nice to have an idea how to solve this one…