Bug teleport with thrall

Online official

When you take a thrall with the string and you use a teleport, the thrall was bugged, you cant see the corpse, you cant repair the string becouse you could lose the slave.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. capture a thrall
  2. use the string to move
  3. take a teleport
  4. thrall bugged

Hey @Fingerman,

Thank you for letting us know. We’ll forward to our team.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Also don’t take thralls with broken ropes? :slight_smile:

thrall is bugged, if you repair ropes u cant take anymore, u cant see the corpse, i was try

go to other thread to troll

Just so you know , Teleporting with a Ko’d thrall is not an intended behaviour (normally you shouldn’t be able to teleport with a roped thrall , at least in the devs set of mind , because we could by the past doesn’t mean it is what they wanted for the game )

go check this topic Can't teleport Thralls any more in Exiled lands

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