Bug texture/caracter single player 04/04/19

Game mode: Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: France/europe West

Bonjour, mon jeu charge correctement, la cinématique ce passe bien Quand je lance mon jeu qu’importe le single-player ou même sur serveur en ligne il y a un petit délais assez long sur le lancement.
En jeu, mon personnage et limite transparent, Habit quasiment pas visible, cheveux inexistant.
Les textures de personnages/créatures enemies sont bonnes. mais mes textures d’habitats sont presque non visible.
Hormis les murs en pierre et les fondations, tout est à 1/4 apparent. Lit/tapis/toit de chaume/ établi/forge… Bref, vous avez compris…
Si jamais j’ai fait un screen mais entant que nouveau arrivant, je ne peux pas vous la partager, via ce post.

Pour le pc ce n’est pas de la grande qualité mais il rempli les condition minimum, ayant déjà vérifié.
J’ai vérifié l’installation, j’ai nettoyé le pc, défragmenter. Une solution ?

Sorry i have write in french, i hope it’s ok for u. I can try to write in english if nobody can read or understand.

Hi, i don’t know if i’m alone (sorry have a very bad english.)
Have problem texture (house/caracter) but i playing in private. I dont playing online. Someone have this problem too ?
I have install conan in my new computer 3days ago.

for precision staf : private/bug texture/PVE/France(EU WEST)

Thx for reading :slight_smile:Sans%20titre

Hey there @Sakyubasu69

That one looks like a different issue unrelated to the one discussed in this thread. It might be a hardware issue or some conflict with the drivers you have installed in your system.

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oh ! sorry !! :confused: i have think : "it’s maybe the same ^^ "

Ok i need uninstall and retrying ?
Cause it’s a new Pc, i dont know if it’s conflict with drivers.
and i have checked on steam if all it’s ok. (it’s ok)

Thx for answer and good luck

You should try to reinstall the newest drivers for your system such as graphic card drivers, motherboard and so on and see if that helps with your issue.

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We’re merging both threads into this one so we can proceed discussing this problem :slight_smile:

This can be almost guaranteed if it’s a new PC and you haven’t installed the drivers for the GPU. The stock Windows drivers your system comes with don’t fully support the capabilities of the GPU, and barely support DirectX 3D Acceleration, which is required by most games of this nature.

Any time you get a new PC you need to do two things right after you start it up.
First check that the Windows OS is up to date on all patches.
Second go to the manufacturer of the video card (not the PC), and download the latest driver software. When performing the driver installation, choose Advanced settings. In the advanced settings, un-tick options for features you don’t need like 3D Vision, HD/HSMI Audio, Ge-Force Experience, Catalyst Control Center, ect. All you need is the base driver and Phys-x.


Hi !
After many research, problem was on my grapics card. I have download a new driver version and now the game is better ! (i playing on a asus with only 1 card for graphics AND mémorie.Not a good computer.)
Some lags but he is playable.! thx very much for having help me :slight_smile: !


Glad to hear your problem is solved. See you on the Exiled lands :slight_smile:

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