Build a house without crafting tools!

do it on a pvp sever with known undermeshers? hard mode…activated

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It has to be a private one! There are no official servers with barbaric mode. It’s not impossible, I will just have to hide in jungle for awhile and it might take about 2 or 3 weeks, not only from the cheaters but from the form of the game too, it’s pvp, someone will notice you and follow you so the next day you spawn in desert :joy:. So you’ll have to start over again! It’s not impossible however :wink:

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You my friend can do anything i only dream of. And you do it well. Starting out with nothing and ending with a base of your own is amazing
I think i am going to try your way in an offline game. This is so no one can see vjust how many times i die. LOL

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Everybody dies, everybody. If someone says different then he lies! Yes I recoment the civil difficulty to learn your paths and your enemies. If you know what you are going to face and what you need to do it, then barbaric will be easy for you too. I am no better fighter than you and I’ve seen you fighting, I have just done it a lot of times.