This August needs reasons for more gaming! So I will try to do something different and I beg for the help of this forum that the last year’s help me to RP in my gaming and create things that I enjoy . Thank you all guys, I love you for this !
So I was thinking to do a small challenge that will keep me busy for the next couple of weeks!
I will place some rules to proceed to this challenge that I believe that I will find fun!
Please feel free to make it more hard by adding more difficulty, I literally beg you for it .
No crafting weapons, only loot!
No crafting tools only loot!
No followers except a camel maybe? Or not you tell me, but certainly not a horse or something that will help me go out of trouble!
No map room use!
Time limit place if you wish, but something logical please ???
Which map?
In exile lands I can move extremely easy, way easier than Siptah, but Siptah has tremendous drops of bearer packs which will make it a lot easier!
Single player or official?
Difficulty decadent or barbaric if single player?
Please proceed to some answers here and this time I will poke @Community too if they want to take part of this, for relaxing from problems In here!
I beg you fellow exiles to make me happy!!! Thank you
It sounds like fun challenge, obviously on 3.0?
Maybe i could join You?
No followers sounds fun, no crafting tools sounds fun - instead of farming it would force to fight only to get tools / resources.
Wonder if its possible to do no crafting at all?
Building a house seems like easy task, what about something like beating strongest boss?
I had to play on my daughters account because I had to delete everything and in my single player I love my builds .
So as you see under I farm without multipliers and I didn’t touch anything at all on the craft too, basically I touch nothing on settings, I just press the difficulty and that’s it.
Do not think in any moment that I am a pro builder! What I get from this is that I will fix a base without foundations, only with pillars and ceilings! Is that what you are asking?
By the way, is Sepermeru allowed? @Marcospt?
This weapon has only legendary name, the damage is really low to be considered as legendary weapon! So…
I took Zath, I took Set and back to the darfari lands to fix my first shelter!
Sinners Refuge, sorry @Mikey and thank you for the boots and the pickaxe .
My first shelter needs sticks now, every time I hit a branch and get plenty I say to my self… Thank you @Wak4863, omg how handy this is to know.
My first shelter is ready .
You are truly special crazy person in a world of crazy people. For your pillows base I picked up Senk the Pillow dancer 2 days ago in Sinners refuge. She does not have anything on Bella by the way.
A bow .
So I went to visit Sepermeru, loot a bit and went again, for another sword . Not able to repair is way harder that I thought it would be, on the way…
I just love this view
Yes, yes, yes, 7500 durability, omg that surely made my day!!!
Level 35, a small cabin, a furnace, a carpenter bench, a blacksmith bench, a small wheel and a tannery (behind) it is all I managed!
Hmm, there’s a permanent bearer spawn at Fleshtearer Falls, that’s probably your easiest one. (cannibal camp above and to the left of Skittering Cavern)
In pvp they do , a lot actually, I don’t and when I pvp I still didn’t.
After Siptah release they do, a lot. But the last meta is light silent legion, feroxic daggers, zathite or lemurian spear and lemurian axe, not all of them however. Yet I don’t want to derair here , you can send private messages to @Barnes, @SirDaveWolf, @LostBrythunian… They will definitely explain better .
About religious armors or the whole Meta build-post Siptah?
The thing about religious armor is that they’re dirt freaking cheap and provides adequate attribute bumps. Since the majority of PVPers beeline to get an alter up and a bubble running, it’s just a few more NPC kills to get this.
I personally don’t go for the light armor level. I have some on my character but I specifically go for medium designation because it gives me more stable expectations on the stamina regen and after you get into moderate encumbrance (yellow) it’s actually better than all the others. The stability of expectation exceeds the 2 second delay for full stamina regen at the best scenario IMHO) With all of the gear on, it’s str+9,agil+3, vit +9, grit +9, survival +4 and weapons bleed, poison, or range while having the shield block option. damage reduction of 70%.
My typical combat gear is SLM torso and legs, SLL boots, Serpent gloves and aspect of bat. I have the Voidforge shield and annoying shard, void forge gladius and dragonbone javelins (i keep trying to remind myself to queen poison these but always forget the make it and put it on)
Anyways about these challenges… building is going to be painful when the hammer requirement comes into play so this may be the last challenge of this kind.
This one’s second play through of Siptah was somewhat similar.
But with a twist.
Only rescued thralls and extremely limited permanent structures. Bedrolls and Campfires.
All gear was looted.
This one did allow commerce, exchanging coins and scout reports.
It was partially a training run for living light PvP that this one favours, and partially a can it be done, and if yes, how difficult.
Most likely this one will try a similar stunt on Exiled Lands after 3.0 drops.
A neighbour did a Pure Priest run. Only taking feats for their chosen religion and feats necessary to make the materials for the altars. It was a hoot and definitely highlighted the difference between the craftables. They are currently doing a Ymir run, and it is basically the opposite of their Settite run, seeing as heavy armour and axe, as opposed to daggers and arrows. This one told them to document or stream it… but alas. Zath is a very solid choice, but only against enemies who can be poisoned.
@Wak4863 also did a video series where, for a large portion of the run, he had to wear the most recent armour that dropped and could only have a dancer as a humanoid thralls. We all saw the full might of Brutus the apex puppy.