hey there,
I’ve slayed the red mother like 100 times but haven’t gotten the final breath yet. am i missing something?
hey there,
I’ve slayed the red mother like 100 times but haven’t gotten the final breath yet. am i missing something?
Yes, Luck! Keep trying it should drop eventually.
You know, I thought it was required for the new dungeon but was wrong. so I’m done grinding for it lol
I have been trying unsuccessfully for the longest time to obtain it myself. I just really want a Torch with longer burn time, so its on my to get list. But frustratingly the Red Mother just isnt droping it for me. Its a pain too as killing her in Offline Singleplayer represents a hefty time investment.
Yeah, I had one but lost it because of the most beautifull upgraded best patch ever…
I used to feel so lucky because I got four Lifeblood spears instead of some stupid sticks on fire. Now… Well, I wish I had got one of those torches instead.
I have a Glimmermoon. It’s a weak light source, but at least it’s infinite.
I have one of those toothpicks now myself. It still pains me everytime I see it in my Legendarys Chest.
Funcom should remove the lifeblood spear from the game. Or at least from the loot-pool of red mother. Its not UC worthy anymore.
@jesstheripper I have now >500 FoP from UC. I got EVERY legendary, except Lying bastard sword or the Mammoth boots.
I have around ~80-100 red dragon heads and got the torch 5 times (One I lost in the volcano because of DC).
Red mother has a really low drop rate. Yesterday I made 3 runs in UC and got 0 from her… But its RNG. You can also get it 3times in a row…
yeah ive pretty much given up on it. i killed her five tes yesterday and all i got was some junk lol. I’m gonna make a t-shirt that sais, “I killed the red mother and all i got was this stupid t-shirt” lol
That cruel rng. I felt the same with the red mother bow and finally came to the forums about it because I thought it was bugged and wouldn’t you know it my next try I got it.
hahaha I’ll let you know if my luck is the same!
I agree that it should be removed from the Red Mothers loot tables. She takes time to kill and should drop worthwhile rewards, the Lifeblood Spear is not one of them. It should damn well be adjusted back up to 1 HP per second…minimum. I still to this day get a surge of grumpiness everytime I talk about it and the Sword of Crom.
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