Red dragon mother boss

Game mode: [Online official]
Type of issue: [drop rate]
Server type: [PvE]
Region: [EU]

Hello, so finaly lost my patience. All day long, about 10 hours non stop farming red dragon trying to get a torch “Final Breath of the Red Mother, ID 50520” so far killed 18 dragons, non of them droped it. Maybe im not luck enought, but this kind of gameing starting to… Maybe there is a chance to increase drop rate…? (7 days non stop was farming Armorer thrall shieldright, no luck on that to) there was some time i was thinking about leaving to play this game, because it’s not balanced enought…

Hi, NeoTonic, and welcome to the forums. Sadly, it’s not a bug and you’re in the same boat as the rest of us. I’ve killed the Red Mother countless times since the Unnamed City revamp, and only ever got the Final Breath twice. And that was twice in a row.

Random drops suck, but Funcom has been making Conan Exiles rely more and more on random drops, because it’s cheaper in terms of development effort. :man_shrugging:

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One of our games my husband got the torch 2nd kill but it took about 22 more goes before it dropped for me and then about that again to get the bow

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So guys, it took me 10 hours, 30 red mother dragons, and finaly i got that torch… drop was realy bad, from all that boses i got just 5 spears, and two katanas, nothing more… it took so much time coz my thrall got all the time stuck under the ground, had to run around and wait till hes jump out of the textures…

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