Civilized settings are incorrect

Platform: PlayStation 5 (Digital Edition)
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: =SERVER TYPE=
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=

Bug Description:

As reported HERE back in April, When starting a new single player game and choosing ‘Civilized’ difficulty (aka KeepOnDeath), the game you load into is Drop ON Death.

Bug Reproduction:

Start a new single player game (on playstaion) and choose ‘Civilized’ as the difficultly. Enter the world and then pick some stuff up so you have it in your inventory. Die somehow (or remove bracelet) and when you respawn in, check to see if you kept your inventory. You will have lost everything because the game settings are incorrectly set to Drop Everything. “Civilized” difficulty is suppose to be Keep on Death per the setting description.

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