Community Stream - The Age of Calamitous Mod Showcase (12-07-18) - Bulletin Summary Edition

Hey look, I didn’t forget to do it this time! This week, the Conan Exiles stream was all about showcasing the very talented Espen Johansen and his very well received The Age of Calamitous Mod. I mostly kept my notes clean of mod specific stuff because I think in this case, the video of the mod in action speaks much louder then anything I could type up. If you are interested to see what the Age of Calamitous Mod is all about, I highly encourage you to watch this one for yourselves.

Other then that, I did write down relevant information that Jens answered and offered with regards to Conan Exiles development, as well as a couple questions that were answered in Twitch chat. Onto the Google Doc and PDF links!

Google Doc Link

PDF Link



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