After the new update my game doesnt seem to work now… last time it was working fine but when the update started i couldnt play anymore… help?
I have exactly the same problem, since the last update when I click on “play” in Steam I have the Funcom launcher which launches and there if I click on “play” or “continue” the launcher disappears but the game does not start at all.
If in Steam I add a command “+connect server IP” for example, the launcher does not launch, the “play” button turns blue with “stop” but it stays like that for a few seconds before turning green again with “play”
The only solution I found is to go to the game folder “Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64” and there there are 3 exes, by launching ConanSandbox_BE.exe there the game launches normally and I can play.
Thanks alot Homer001 now i can finally play the game again
When you get a chance, see if verifying the game files fixes the launcher connection to the exe.
Hi, I already tried and I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game completely, no change, it seems that the Funcom launcher does not launch the correct executable
There was an issue at one point between exes. I cant remember if it was the dedi or the game but it was when a shipping.exe became the main exe.
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