A quick question: Do I need to add the mod name to each individual piece or is it enough to just include the list of used mods?
Just do the best you can! If you know the mods you used but don’t know what mods are used for which pieces, just make a list of the mods. If we need those specific details, we can get those later.
Nudge Bump, Kiss Kiss.
Its Pinned… but you know, adding that little blue (1) Helps Some. =3
Almost forgot…
*edit, nevermind got my confirm email. as did he
If I win and get the DLC key of my choice, can I gift it to another player?
Absolutely! Sorry, I’ll make sure to mention this in the future. But you are more than welcome to give the DLC key away to family, friends, or giveaways or whatever. The winners will simply just be given a key to do with as they wish
I received confirmation. Yet I copy paste the email link. I don’t believe it’s a problem to send it again just to be sure .
Can confirm… finally got off my procrastinating ass and submitted my entry
Received a confirmation shortly after sending.
I couldnt decide what to submit. I actually have a tailor shop in my server where my players can buy outfits I put on “man-nequin” thralls.