I just bought the game for ps4 about a week ago. Started a tribe with two others on a mid population official pvp server. We raid everyday, build more to our base, explore for special thrall and do boss fights/runs. The plan is to lock down the server with a skilled group of 5-6 players. We still have much to explore and welcome all players new and old. If you’re interested send me a friend request on psn: Ogstickyickyy007
hi, i can join i am on a PVE server im lvl 28 still learning but if u allow me i can join ur server and start again
I’m interested in joining if you still have spots available. add me on PSN: VA_Ryder_
Hey guys. I’m definitely down for anyone to join if youre up to help us take over. Just add my psn with a message that its about conan. psn: Ogstickyickyy007
Hey looking for a few tribe members pvp offical add my psn throw me a message tribe of 3 got a good set up in highlands
Dragfly420 is my psn
3650 looking for clans to fight .
Bring your tribe to my server. PvP - Shadow Lands STARTER PACKS INCLUDED!
Greetings Cur…
Behold, a new land is born from darkness. Come, exiled one, build your story, and earn your right to become Alphas of the Shadow Lands. The CounciL awaits your arrival…
Server Settings-
x5 Harvest
x5 XP
x1.5 Minions and NPC damage (taken and given)
x2 Building damage (taken- Harder to raid)
x3 Thrall taming
x3 Thrall and resource respawn rate
Shorter Nights and much more…
Server Rules-
Role Play is priority.( Who doesn’t love a good story? lol).
New Clans/Players are given a “White Flag” period of 7 days where they cannot be raided. However, open world PvP is acceptable. Clans under “White Flag” status must post a sign with their clan creation date on it. Clans under the “White Flag” status are not allowed to raid other clans. If they do, their “White Flag” status will be stripped. Anyone who raids a clan under “white Flag” protection will be foundation wiped, unless they can prove that clan raided first while under white flag protection. This is to give the server some longevity. Allowing clans and new players to become stable with a fair chance to defend themselves against older, more established clans.
Raiding = destroying property (ie: foundations, walls, ceilings, chests, etc etc). Stealing from open boxes or crafting stations is not considered raiding.)
NO Offline Raiding - At least 1 member of the victim clan must be online in order to raid them. (I will advise you to take a screen shot of the player list prior to Raiding.)
Logging off while being raided will not grant you protection to come back online and say someone “offline raided” you.)
NO Raiding Admin clan (Shadow CounciL) - Admins are there just to run the server, schedule events, and enforce server rules. They do not participate in PvP.
Starter Packs-
New players to the server will receive the following, but not limited to:
1 set of star metal tools, and Star Metal weapon choice
1 set of Flawless gear of your choice (No Silent Legion)
1 Sandstorm Mask
1 of each T1 crafting station
1 of each T1 crafting thrall
5 “stacks” of each T1 (sandstone) building piece
10 Large Chests
1 stack of dye (not white)
Fun Things-
Court House:
This server will have a court house, where those who have broken server Rules will stand trial against their accusers. During this trial, the plaintiff will be able to provide his/her proof on the matter (screen shots, videos, logs, etc etc), and the Defendant will be able to plea his/her case. As in real life, open admissions of guilt may result in a plea deal. However, if you’re found guilty while fighting your charges, punishment could be many things. One of which, would be jail.
Jail House:
One of many possible punishments for breaking server rules or losing certain events, will be having to spend a limited time within the Jail House. You may do this time online or offline, but the time will remain the same (it wont be too crazy, promise lol). I urge you to remain online though, as depending on the severity of your crime, its possible admins might log off if you dont log back on in time for your release. This brings me to the next part of jail…
Jail Breaks and Bounties:
The Jail House is 1 of only 2 buildings, built by the admins, that you’re allowed to destroy. Once placed in jail, your clan or your allies, are allowed to raid the jail and try to break you free. However, doing this will cause a bounty to be placed on you and all those involved in breaking you free. Rewards will be given to the player(s)/Clan(s) who take a screenshot of your dead body, and/or your raided base. If nobody claims the bounty within 7 days, the bounty is off, and you’re a free man/woman. As stated before, Admins do NOT take part in PvP. However, attempting a jail break might result in a God showing up (NOT in god mode) to stop the attempted jail break. If the God is killed while defending against a jail break, there will be no bounty, and you’re free to leave.
Admin Dungeons-
The 2nd of the 2 Admin buildings you can destroy or raid, are the Admin Dungeons. These are to be done by request only, and an admin must be there to watch. This is to ensure dungeons are rebuilt and restocked with prizes before you attempt a run. Dungeons are kept empty unless you schedule a run, so people don’t just go raiding it at will. SO just know if you raid it without permission you’ll be getting nothing out of it but a huge loss of resources.
Treasure Hunts:
Riddles lead the way to Gold. Gold is the currency of the server and the Admin Marketplace. Every now and then you might notice a riddle and a large chest sitting at the welcome hut near the shattered bridge on Noob River. Follow these clues and collect small idols until you’ve traveled and completed the hunt. After collecting 1 Idol from each riddle chest, send an Admin a screen shot of how many Idols you have. If you have the right amount (only Admins know how many Riddles there are) you’ll be given the prize.
Admin Marketplace:
Self explanatory. Only things that wont be sold in the Marketplace is Silent Legion gear, and Explosives of any kind. Prices are higher for things that help make explosives. (ie: demon blood/powder, steel fire, etc etc).
Arena Night:
Once a week (day TBD) there will be a tournament style Arena night. where players fight for prizes and their names on the thrones of the 4 winds. At the end of the tournament season, there will be a final “Royal Rumble” where all winners of Arena nights come together for 1 final glorious blood bath! Winner of this will get any 3 wishes he wants from an Admin. (within reason).
Admin Challenges:
Every now and then admins will come to your door step and challenge you to a 1v1 battle. (not in God or Demi God mode). If you accept the challenge and win, you get whatever is on the admins body.
All banned players from the server will be memorialized/humiliated in the graveyard near the jail.
Please add xKarmaKazEx and Frankie1272 on PSN if you’re interested in joining the server.
Also, I am always looking for people who can do the job as admin, incase I ever have to replace a current one. If you’re interested in being put on the waiting list for that, let me know. Also best way to be considered for Admin, is to be a good and active player of the server as well.
Looking for clan wiling to relocate servers current on pve-c pvp doesnt bother me as playstyle psn. Jacob_thomas417
Looking for a clan been playing offical for two weeks solo currently have two bases a main base and a resource base was making a trip to get black ice n ran into a 5 man clan ninja theirs with daggers n a op archer manage to out run them for 15 mins wearing heavy gear not able to roll n that situation honestly annoyed me n just looking for a good tribe I’m damn near a 24 hr grinder lost my job a month ago n all I been doing is grinding I hardly sleep will show out for clan pm me or add psn DaNk3sT2017 trying to move up in the conan world recently switched over from ark n currently have a pc I built last December n plan to get conan on pc anybody Recruiting message me would love to start over on a new server with clan
What’s up Conan friends been playing for around 2 weeks now currently playing on a pvp server solo it is very difficult when u are being raided by 2 clans teaming against u I get that it’s apart of the game and all in good fun but it’s just too much against 5 plus players… That being said I’m looking for people interested in playing as a clan if it means joining a current clan on a server or a new server that what I’m looking for I’m a good pvp player but still lots to learn about the game hit me up if I can join ur clan or u want to start 1!
If anyone would like to join our clan on an official server that would be great, we will give you all the necessary loot and help you level up to level 60! This is just a fun way to create a big clan and too become the most powerful clan on the server.
If you are interested add me on PSN and send me a message: CR34T3D_SP4C3
Add me, PSN - MorgzKillzBorgz
I have a boosted no stamina drain server if any one would like to join add me and message me Its a 20 slot server and I give out starter packs…
Add me ps4
I am looking for dedicated players to start a clan currently just me in my clan looking to grow and build some cool stuff beat all the dungeons and become a boss clan on the server
Hi Fs416
Want to re-roll on a new server myself, definitely be down for making a clan. What server number is it?
what’s your psn?
Ds-416- server 3559
Currently have a land claim over a good spot need more people to help secure and defend it have allies with a few other clans and have set up a position to take over if anyone’s interested