[Crash] Server crashed randomly

Game mode: [Online Dedicated server]
Type of issue: [Crash]
Server type: [PvP]
Region: [Europe]


Our dedicated server randomly crashed today! Spooky!!
Here is a piece of the log file:

[2018.10.05-16.20.42:572][ 74]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:573][ 74]LogWindows:Error:
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:573][ 74]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:573][ 74]LogWindows:Error:
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:573][ 74]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000176a
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:573][ 74]LogWindows:Error:
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:573][ 74]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:573][ 74]LogWindows:Error:
[2018.10.05-16.20.42:576][ 74]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2018.10.05-16.20.43:404][ 74]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2018.10.05-16.20.43:404][ 74]Log file closed, 10/05/18 17:20:43

Did some google researching but only found stuff about the Unreal engine OR forum posts that were outdated and not answered to. Hope its an easy fix and we’re not the only ones.

Have a splendid day,


+1 Our server has fallen over twice since the patch, I’m still investigating



After some testing and help of my community, we’ve discovered the following.
The reason the server crashes is due to The serpentman Boss!

A player of the server was killing the phantom serpentmen, nothing happend. When only 2 of them left the server crashed.
The second time the server crashed he managed to kill all the serpentmen, the boss was about to stand up and server crashed.

Log file has the following line spammed couple of hundred times:
[2018.10.06-15.48.21:887][711]GameEventTelemetryDebug:Display: 377553.6 -360453.0 -14760.0 1 NPCDeath “BP_NPC_Wildlife_Serpentmen_Boss_The_Degenerate_C_0”

Hope this will help with figuring out what causes this!

Kind regards,

No reply from Funcom still??

Heya, this should have been fixed in the patch from today with the Pets System. Can you check again now?
The first bullet point under “Bug Fixes”


Will do right away :grin:

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cant do that when its not working to join the server.

That seems like a totally different issue. What’s the server number? Could be that some servers are still down and updating for the pet system.

1035 pve-c

Looks like there are 13 people currently on that server. You getting any error messages when you try?

Yes Pak file corrupt or tampered, and somthing whit steam

Try to verify integrity of game files. Right click on the game in your Steam library and click on “Properties”.
Then click on the Local Files tab and then on “Verify Integrity of Game Files”.

Thans that worked whit youre help. The error message was not to mutch help tho.

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Steam make bad again just when i forgot how bad Steam is…

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