Is Suppression the ones with small self-destruct radiuses that shoot lasers? It’s that one that was the problem (on testlive) in terms of just killing me with too much damage done cause I can’t self-heal while I’m triggering them.
Malfunction doesn’t just do reflect damage, also direct damage while you’re in the circle.
The suppression ones do a small amount of damage from range, yes. The trick is to ignore them and keep DPSing the boss. The amount of self heal you generate as melee is enough to keep you up, you only need to kill them if you’re trying for the achievement (which is still doable by dragging the boss around with you then turning and hitting them only once they’re in range).
Malfunction’s aoe damage is the same for all weapons, not just melee. The DGK only casts it when you’re in melee range of his attacks, so the aoe hits everyone the same as you get out of the chalk line. You can’t then shoot him for heals from outside the aoe due to the damage reflect, so it’s really the same for all weapons.
The problem with DA was that it wasn’t balanced for all weapons and this was due to the KSR which is getting nerfed anyway.
Nerfing DA Is something I’m not a fan of. The last DA update required players to tweak their build a bit for each boss or read the effects beforehand, and I can understand that some players don’t want to do this, but they can just keep doing the lower difficulties.
You need two interrupts? Grab a gadget and one ability, main hand. Or change your off hand weapon, just for an interrupt you can use a green weapon. Need more movement and an extra interrupt? Use flicker with passive and you can do both.
DA was tested and balanced using all weapons. Plus, when testing we don’t use agents, so that should give you an easier run. But having tested DA personally with Pistol/Blade, I can say with 100% confidence that it is not balanced around the KSR.
Jimmy’s even posted videos of doing DA on e17 with all the different weapons. The idea that it’s balanced around one or two meta builds is just flat wrong.
I saw that, and I also saw the request for every E17 timeline challenge to be done with Blade on video or something along those lines. I only saw every challenge done with different weapons but couldn’t find one with every challenge done with Blade.
I didn’t say that, you should reread. I said that doing DA with a KSR is a lot more easier with a KSR, which frustrated many players who used other weapons. You can stay ranged and your dps is a lot higher. These are just facts. Jimmy’s videos are proof that you can actually do DA (albeit with spending mofs on all the buffs/potions), which was falsely claimed to be impossible in another thread.
If you claim that using a KSR doesn’t make DA easier, please send message to Nirvelle so that he doesn’t nerf the KSR
It did make me tweak my build a bit (went from 1 to 2 impairs, more efficient cleanse gadget, shuffled passives to suit) but then I just saved it that way and have run it like that since, instead of using my dungeon dps build. I still don’t read the descriptions. Maybe cause at E15 they have enough effects that I’m almost never able to take off the cleanse gadget, and that’s the only slot I could usefully put any other utilities in (impairs are sorta hammer’s only trick, I’d like to have a non-purgeable heal or teleport but hammer hasn’t got either)
Also putting GCD on Thick Skin is quite annoying, said it elsewhere, may as well say it here, I would rather it be instant non-gcd. There are gadgets that deal damage as instants, it’s not unprecedented, or heck, take out the “does 1 damage per second for 12 seconds” effect entirely.
i dont see point nerfing ksr and making aux loader top of the line. also i dont see point of not buffing weapons which have issues rather than nerfing weapons most people are using - funcom more incentive to grind right? how about looking into main fist, ele, shoty, chaos dps? i can give you few ideas for quickly improving weapons.
fist - so you nerfed ferocity. so 200 % was too much, 50% too little maybe answer lies in between?
so ele maybe give passive that your every 3rd ele attack becomes crit and deal 25% more damage like elemental force
shoty remove that mellee requirenment from raging burst, make agents affect shoty shells, improve odds and evens making basic deal more damage
also, da is not challenging without timelines with ar hammer and cleanse drone. i dont even checking boss powers
you are correct. Ar in general was changed however it nerfed most weapon which was taking advantage of it the most.
funcom way of doing things break everything without much thought like tsw, here fist nerfed and never fixed now ksr and inverter. i am pussed not because nerf btw but because of upcoming grind
how would i did it? i would introduce incremental changes iteration 1 - nemain, iteration 2 - put debuff for 5 sec for example if you launch 2 grenades in 8 sec next grenade will do 30% less damage or so. and btw with such idea other ars will not be changed and ksr will be slightly tuned
I get suggestion one with raging shots passiv, I am getting the second with agents…I am however quite unsure why you wanna buff O&E…that stuff is already crazy strong for a passiv. Like chances are it would get nerfed if it ever came to a dps rebalance.
Which right now we are more doing a Tank&Healer rebalance with outlier adressing.
So, for what it’s worth, I’m going to post two videos. The first one is how I personally get through Dark Agartha on most days. The second is how Theck does all of his DA runs. Maybe these will be helpful to those who are having specific issues on DA. I post sporadically; whereas Theck posts every one of his DA runs.
Malfunction only casts when he’s in melee range just translates into “only when I’m attacking him with my melee weapon” so if it does work that way it means ranged players don’t even have to trigger Malfunctions, just run around in circles with alacrity, self-healing, and laughing at melee players who see his damage reflect attack.
Tsw handled that so if you use ranged weapon your speed decreases.
I really do wonder whether you play this game sometimes. There was absolutely no universal speed decrease to ranged weapons in TSW.
Also in response to Onevia Malfunction is pretty hard to avoid even as a ranged player. You can of course with some additional movement abilities like flicker or fey line but in general he approaches you at melee range very quickly when he is about to cast Malfunction
Melee players take the same or more damage and can’t heal as much isn’t really “high risk high reward”, it’s just an imbalance in the healing options. Damage output doesn’t really come into it for DA, cause you need to really overlevel it to be killing things fast enough to ignore sustainable healing.