Dates gone from merge list?


I went to go double check the date when the server I’m on is getting merged, but the date is gone.

Now it’s just blank. There are a few showing the date servers were merged.

But what about the future date when my server will be merged?

Have the dates changed or something?

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Server mergers without dates are on hold right now.
Apparently there are issues that need to be addressed before mergers will resume.


Phew… I was freaking out that the merge might have already happened and I still haven’t body vaulted anything yet!

Do you mind directing me to where it says they were having issues and have paused the mergers?


Edit: Nevermind, I found the post on another thread :slight_smile:

"Hello everyone,

We’ve had an issue preventing yesterday’s merges to complete and we have found the fix for it. But before we continue with other merges/closures, we will need to do some additional testing. So we will put this procedure on hold for now.

If all goes well, expect the previously announced South America, Asia, and Oceania servers to close/merge next week. We will announce the date and time as soon as possible.

This also means character creation and transfers on source servers is again open, but please note that transfers are then subject to normal encumbrance rules."

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I had a little panic lol

FC all over again… Can they do one thing right for one time?
So people are unmotiviated to play on servers, which will die soon.

You cannot transfer with too much stuff, only on merge. So people are forced to refresh there stuff, until when???

There “sooooooooon” is way to vague…

It’s probably vague because they are not exactly sure themselves when the problem will be 100% fixed but I’m sure they will figure it out soooooooon.

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