Decorative Planter Crimson Lotus

Why don’t we have a crimson lotus decorative planter?


I’m not saying there shouldn’t be one, but I’ve always preferred to just put whichever plant I want into a crude planter. It looks the same – except golden lotus, that one looks better – and it’s more flexible, because you can always replace the plant you want to show.

Of course, crude planter is more than 10x more expensive than a decorative planter, but stone is really, really easy to get :slight_smile:

Personally, I think the decorative planter is ugly as sin so I always use the t3 planter if I’m putting plants around the base to make it look nice.

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Hey there, I wasn’t talking about the style of planter. I was just wondering why crimson lotus is the only lotus missing. Did Funcom forget or something? Lol

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Probably. File a big report and they might fix it. Also ask them to make it less ugly.


I usually plant a heap of crimson lotus for decoration, sadly, the bloody plants are currently invisible on my SP EL save on XB1 S.

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