Dedicated Server Issue

Trying to launch a fresh dedicated server on a seperate locally hosted server post update, however whenever anyone tries to join, the server floods with this error:

[2018.05.08-12.29.38:676][644]LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : ‘GETTHRALLTIER’ requested row ‘15’ not in DataTable ‘/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable’.
[2018.05.08-12.29.38:677][644]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
[2018.05.08-12.29.40:478][698]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Heirs_of_the_North_Freya
[2018.05.08-12.29.42:105][747]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Black_Hand_Tarman
[2018.05.08-12.29.48:031][924]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Dialogue_Yakira
[2018.05.08-12.29.48:128][927]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Lemurian_Carpenter_4
[2018.05.08-12.29.49:264][961]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Black_Hand_Pir_Archer_4_Hyrkanian
[2018.05.08-12.29.50:001][983]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Black_Hand_Pir_Fighter_4_Nordheimer
[2018.05.08-12.30.15:200][736]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Votaries_Cook_4
[2018.05.08-12.30.15:529][746]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Votaries_Tanner_4
[2018.05.08-12.30.15:562][747]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPC - The RaceTemplate Male/Female selection does not match the gender assigned in the RaceTemplate for SpawnTable with ID: Votaries_Taskmaster_4

The user is then returned to the main menu client side. In the past the red flooding text has been a common part of the dedicated server hoever this is preventing players from joining.

Tried a complete fresh install, same issue.

Lookin for a response here too… getting the same flood in my log.
Happens every few minutes, even if the server is empty.

Tried reinstall from steamcmd and copying live files.

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