Dedicated Server Launcher not Updating

Hello! Anyone using dedicated server launcher? I have 1.7.2 and after todays update, it will NOT update the game. I’m unsure if there is maybe a port that needs opened into our network? We are private hardware behind my own firewall.

Dedicated server launcher runs and installs the game just fine. Doesn’t seem to be any issues there. Has been running for a month now. Mods updated fine when needed. Game just seems to not think it needs updating. I even tried manually running : steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir c:<path to game server>

Any hints?

Most likely the tuesday steam update

Not sure, that’s more in the evenings? For those that run across this, I ended up doing it manually:

Launch SteamCMD
force_install_dir [path to server] and hit enter
login <steam_user> <steam_password>
Enter steam guard code if it asks
app_update 443030 validate
quit (when done)

I logged in as my steam account as anonymous didn’t seem to work. That kicked it loose and then I relaunched server launcher and all was well.

My friend and I both have servers and both are now invalid. Ports also show unable to connect as of today.

I will try what you have suggested Ratbertt.

No joy.

Updates, but then going to run the server, it goes to work on the update and then fails with an error:
Error! App ‘443030’ state is 0x486 after update job.

Yeah I got that too on my first try. So at the “app_update 443030 validate” step, I ran it again in the steamcmd window and it worked

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