Delving bench not rewarding epic recipe

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 6454
Mods: None

Bug Description:

After using the delving bench and getting new recipes, some of them doesnt have the epic version, the 2 i would like to craft but they dont have an epic version are ‘black knight and frost giant’s grab’ armors

Bug Reproduction:

1 Use the delving bench to get [Black Knight Armor] and [
Frost Giant’s Garb] knowlegde.
2 Check your knowledge, you will notice that you dont have the epic variant.

Btw this is probably the 10 bug report done by the community, you didnt answer to any of them, any comment?

Yes yes yes I have the same problem here my friend and eldarium it’s so hard to farm. And I have read that this big have been for months now and why bugcom doesn’t fix the issues yet. And they still taking away our money with the battle pass and the crom coins

Please funcom or should I said bugcom fix this issue asp

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