Disappearing corpses

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Map: Any
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Disappearing corpses

The essence of this bug is that the corpse of the killed NPC becomes invisible if you continue the fight and lose sight of it. There is no system in whether this bug will happen or not and what can cause it. The corpses themselves do not actually disappear and all the usual actions can be performed with them, if you can of course find the place where he lies.


I experience this a lot too. If you can’t find the body, leaving / going far enough away and the coming back so the area reloads will usually make the bodies visible again. Still incredibly annoying though.

That has actually not been working for me since the new download. I’ve actually had them disappear while looking at them and they don’t reappear even after leaving the area and coming back.

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Legacy bug. been in game for a long, long time. Since some one found a work around; walk out of render distance and back it became a low priority bug. And after years of this funcom has finally, very recently, started to address it. But it seems to be a village by village thing.

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Facing this issue also but like Deacon said. Walk out and back in is help. Not sure why they never fix this issue.

But walking away and back is not working anymore.

This is another one of those persistent issues that has been in the game since release. I think they took a stab at trying to fix it at one time, but never managed. And the issue is specific to human models; I’ve never seen this happen with animals or monsters.

This also happened with corpses, and their “solution” was to add the grave marker so you could click on that if your body wasn’t visible, rather than actually fix whatever is going on with the client.

In my experience walking away and then returning back is never succesful, considering dead bodies. Only knocked out uncouscious thralls “re-apear” this way for me.

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