Docker image alinmear/docker-conanexiles:latest failes to run on synology but run's perfectly in centos vm


I’m trying to start my old docker container, which worked like a charm a few months ago.
But now, i’m getting the following error:

   Network:Error: Code: Certificate path env var 'DW_CERTIFICATE_PATH' is not set
  Network:Warning: Code: Loading dedicated server provider id certificate: SecureServerProviderID not set.
  Network:Display: Looking for dedicated server provider id certificates issued by "C=NO, S=Oslo, L=Oslo, O=Funcom Oslo AS, CN=Funcom Oslo AS"...
 Network:Warning: Code: Loading dedicated server provider id certificate: No secure server provider id configured, selecting certificate with id #-1.
  Network:Error: Code: KDS passphrase provider failed to initialize. KDS will at some point deny access unless the problem is fixed. Failure message: Error loading dedicated server provider id certificate: No certificate found with id #-1..
  Network:Error: Code: KDS passphrase failure: Server provider id certificate unavailable: 0x80092004
  Network:Display: Connecting to key distribution web service wss://
  Network:Display: Key distribution web service: Connecting (session: 40931F2A4EB991541170C5A40AF16010, mirror: wss://, fail count: 0, retry time: -1.0)
  2020-07-09 17:26:00,084 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 5; not expected)

strangely enough, the same image still works in the virtual machine with docker (centos):

Network:Error: Code: Certificate path env var 'DW_CERTIFICATE_PATH' is not set
Network:Warning: Code: Loading dedicated server provider id certificate: SecureServerProviderID not set.
Network:Display: Looking for dedicated server provider id certificates issued by "C=NO, S=Oslo, L=Oslo, O=Funcom Oslo AS, CN=Funcom Oslo AS"
Network:Warning: Code: Loading dedicated server provider id certificate: No secure server provider id configured, selecting certificate with
Network:Error: Code: KDS passphrase provider failed to initialize. KDS will at some point deny access unless the problem is fixed. Failure mated server provider id certificate: No certificate found with id #-1..
Network:Error: Code: KDS passphrase failure: Server provider id certificate unavailable: 0x80092004
Network:Display: Connecting to key distribution web service wss://
Network:Display: Key distribution web service: Connecting (session: 3D407BFB4556CCC140E9EE81F4305BD9, mirror: wss://ce-kds-winunoff-wdc01.fu count: 0, retry time: -1.0)
SourceServerQueries:Warning: Started SourceServerQueries on port 27015
Network:Display: Key distribution web service: Connected (session: 3D407BFB4556CCC140E9EE81F4305BD9, mirror: wss://ce-kds-winunoff-wdc01.funcount: 0, retry time: -1.0)
LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Game/Items/BPGameItemWeapon_NPCKnockUp_250.BPGameItemWeapon_NPCKnockUp_500_C'
GUI:Warning: Code: SlotServerRatingRequestTimedOut: Rating request timed out with error 12
LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/Systems/AI/NewAI/BT_RangedAttack requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /GameAttack

do any of you have an idea what the cause of the error could be or maybe even know the solution?

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