Dots are applying Inconsistenly

Dots like bleed don’t seem to be applying consistently to NPCs but also NPCs I believe prior didnt bleed like skeletons occasionally are now.

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Sorry, can you clarify that? Are you saying skeletons bleed now?

Anecdotally, I’ve been running around the UC a lot over the past few days, leveling myself and my thrall, whacking the undead with my axe, and I haven’t seen a single undead critter bleed. If you’re seeing bleeding skeletons, can you specify where?

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Sure just made a bunch bleed on the path upto and inside the warmakers dungeon, thing is I am noticing some stuff just isnt getting the bleed (at least visual icon) in general, they take the damage, but no bleed, first noticed it on horseback as obviously there should be no doubt if the attack lands with spear the bleed should too.


I noticed that a long time ago as well (I don’t know, maybe 6 or so months ago I first saw this happening) , some of the skeletons there seem to be able to get bleeds applied to them and it actually deals damage, seems like those few skeletons were bugged for quiet some time now.

Confirmed on Testlive Official Server US3 PvE. This isn’t just the bleed icon. The bleed stack DOT is what killed him soon after the screencap was taken. As for inconsistencies regarding DOT or debuffs, I’m not sure I have the knowledge or means to test that properly for confirmation.

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