Downed servers list, please add to it

Hey guys thought I would start a list of downed servers. My 2 are 2100 and 2105. Please fix

2730 PvE U.S server

Official server #2800 down also PvP

Yes 2730 American server has been down all day

2828 2830

Theres like 50+ downed servers

Server 2805 is down

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Only 2807 2808 2809 are up for the 2800s

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2806 US server is down

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PvE 2727 xbox is gone

2801 and 2802 have been down all day today, hitting about the 12 hour mark now

Try reporting here:

Are the servers down for a update? It would be nice if thralls and stamina glitch ,plus about 10 more things, were fixed finnaly.

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There would be a notice if that were the case Khunthor

There should be a notice regardless for a server being down 12+ hours

Official server #2726 down now for dang near 18 hours. No notification why it’s down or for how long. This is ridiculous.

Offical Server 2875 PVP is down and cannot log in.

#2802 missing from xbox server list

2728 pve America down…

2728 has been down all day, sadly. Any word when it will be back up?

3823…down all day. Are you guys working on it or what? Can we get some support here?