Everyone is waiting for an update PS4 Sitpah?

Is there any update on when the Isle of Sitpah will be out for the PS4?
The community is waiting for that to happen

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Indeed, as there are a few fixes in 2.2.

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No one wants that map. Even on PS4 it will be bad right now. I don’t think they will put it on consoles until its not a total piece of garbage

In previous post with the same question Ignasis said something about February if I am not mistaken. Still, I believe that it is the ps5 delivery problem worldwide. The game as it is right now, is very heavy for ps4. Ps5 delivers will have issues until May. So if the game releases the new contents and ps4 cannot handle it, Conan exiles will loose again. This ofcurce is my personal theory and nothing more.

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