Explosive jars do not work


So the first time I used a jar it was fine did what it was suppose to. But i tried agaij today and for what ever reason the jars are not doing any damage to the basic tier 1 buildings. Honestly i feel cheated a bit considering im on a pvp server here. I but it on the roof and in front of a wall and it did 1 damage to the walls. What do i do?

Sounds like you’re trying to raid outside of set raid hours.

If you’re on an Official server the raid hours run for a period of 5 hours daily. It will say in the server settings that is at 6pm but that indicates the server’s local time. You’ll have to ask others on the server or find out on your own by testing or maybe looking for information if available online.

If it is a private server then it will depend on the hours and days set by the admin, also check the server settings however again it depends on the local time of that server.


This :point_up_2: .
Unless kiki it’s a new bug ,who knows :rofl: .


But they shouldn’t do any damage outside of raid hours, right? There’s something going on with the building damage, my T3 pieces take 1 damage from bare fists which should be impossible.

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That’s right. Yes though, if that is happening outside raid hours definitely a problem.

I wonder if there’s been an overlap with the fence issue? Because those take 1 HP damage anytime and any mode.

I reported in the last few months an issue with damage to spikes where it would take 50+ damage by just being touched too, this was anytime on PVP but not sure if it was happening on all modes. Or if it was resolved…

Anyway if this is a new bug you can effectively damage T1 outside of raid time to the point of an actual raid… 45mins with a stone pick.


How do i check for raid hours?
And even on pvp servers only there are raiding hours?

I usually ask the players already on there. If you can, ask what time zone too.

There’s no list other than personal ones or random comments in various places online.

I would confirm when raid time starts by using a bomb to see the damage.

For me I am in EST and have determined a set of servers that start at 6pm which is local time for me, ping is also better. Chances are if the ping is good it’s also local to you.

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The last days i was hitting walls with Warhammer on Al Merayah and guess what?
I did over 1k damage on a double heavy hit…
So ,be prepared for new raid systems.


While in-game (on officials) you can show the server settings. Of note is the MakeMeAdmin button. You can also find those settings out of the game. Also to note is creative mode that lets you fly even with quasi unlimited inventory space.

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