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Basic Info:
Platform: Xbox Series S
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: =SERVER TYPE=
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Bug Description:
Hi when I use the admin panel to create certain items it will not let me. Eg box of carrots just says failed to spawn item followed by its number. This has happened on slot of objects. I own the game, every dlc pack, all battle pass items.
As @FullMetalApe mentioned a lot of items nowadays are not included in the dlc but sold separately via the in-game store. If you haven’t purchased them you won’t have access to them.
We can confirm that Baazar items were different from the Battle Pass items, however please submit a ticket to our Help center so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account.
Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.