Followers Act Erratic since AOW2 Update

Intro movie sound track continues to play after game loads.

Return command lands followers on your head or does not work.

Cannot place thrall due to ‘walkable floor’ nowhere to be found.

Golums taking 700 hit points in damage from a single hyena bite.

Follower thralls do not follow or glitch away from you at high speed.

Follower thralls do not attack as commanded.


I am also experiencing these problems on PC Steam official PvE.

Forgot to mention that my kathebria featherstep, once placed, leaps into the air repeatedly. This went on for about 5 minutes each time I could actually find a spot to place her.

Same thing happening here, Unplayable with two thralls and it seems to be worse in desert area. Well of Skelos was also unplayable with respec and one thrall. Server 1521 with 5 players logged in.

Yep, followers are not responding to commands and are not attempting to follow. I have thrall stuck in base and horse came outside base to follow me but then stopped and will not respond to any commands. Also my all time favourite bug, unwalkable frickin floor, is back with a vengeance all over the place. Cannot move thralls at all because of it. Anywhere. And I am the only one online on an official server (1953)

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