Freya Quest Bugged

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1005
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Freya Quest Bugged

Bug Reproduction:

I had started Freya’s mission a few weeks ago, but due to personal commitments I was no longer able to play the game, blocking Freya’s mission in front of the Skelos Well forge. I have now been able to resume the game and have returned to the Skelos Well, where Freya is waiting for the time to act. The problem is that now, when I talk to her to continue the mission, I can’t proceed because, when I talk to her, the only answer she gives me is ‘Goodbye’. , there is no longer a dialogue option that activates Freya , and under her name it says ‘return home’, effectively blocking everything. Can this be solved in any way? Can it also be unlocked by restarting everything because otherwise I can’t get her.


This issue has been reported many times, Hopefuly a solution posted soon :slight_smile:

I screwed up her quest in Asagath once by getting distracted and not initiating the final dialog before leaving. Which left her doing what you described but at Asagath instead of the volcano. What fixed that for me was going back to her hovel and talking to her there. Worth a try if you haven’t already.

I also did this but unfortunately it didn’t work because clicking on her at her shack no dialogue option appears

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my experirence is, when you return to the Hovel she is there, yet she is set to “Returning Home”.

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