FUNCOM: Please make Sorcery actually viable, and not just a gimmick for masochists

Enough of you saying you have no problem. You play settings modified in your favor to the extremes. The game would be easy to anybody like that. Don’t listen to me though, listen to you:

This all was revealed after I called you out about having changed some stats or settings in the game here:

Yeah. So there’s that.


This take is not productive, nor is this comment of mine responding to you. There is nothing to be gained from ignorance. I do not care whether you have “lied” or not about anything. It’s not important- especially not here.

Just think critically about what people are saying or asking in a topic rather than going on about the same thing without consideration for the topic. That’s the biggest difference between you and I. We’re both here talking back and forth on the Forums about Corruption and Sorcery, but I’m willing to actually hear what others have to say too.

Consider this my last response to you in particular in this topic, as I see no way to convince you to hear people out if this doesn’t. Past that, any further responses to you would have no meaning.

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You would be wrong.

I simply expected something a lot more interesting, fun, and useful than what we got.

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:brazil: Conan Exiles feedback pc xbox ps4 bug

Why this guy always spams Brazilian posts that no one has time to translate?

Google translate takes about 2 seconds. Here is the translation for you:

There is a problem with the inventory configuration, there is a conflict when you equip or pick up any item from anywhere “Chest” “Bench” “NPC” @Community

To alleviate this and not waste too much time, you should switch the option to “Disordered” both in the chest and in the inventory, this will reduce time and solve a large part of the problem when equipping any equipment or armor… I hope FUNCOM resolves this quickly

While I like the utility spells, I feel that it’s missing the higher magic like Star calling, Blood moon beast summon. More focus around how you can use sorcery in a pvp fight with another character and just a useful spell for raiding another base like Star calling or increasing the lightning storm damage a bit making the spells place-able so you can cast it at range. Reducing the damage that golems take from Star metal a bit, I think it’s a case of not over doing it in terms of damage and defense, if you can do something with a bit of effort in a reasonable time frame it’s probably going in the right direction.

I think some spells could be substituted for more useful ones, I never use firewall, or the mirror image, detect corruption, I think people want spells that will be useful in every game session such as say harvest resources, invisibility, bat of nergal, raise dead definitely. raise dead is vital, so eventually I would like to see existing powers evolve to things I use sometimes to something vital in my game session.

In my normal routine I help clan gather resources, do sacrificial blood, but I would also like to do more in the preparation time, I feel I should be doing some sort of special rituals at base to do higher magic later on such as things like Star calling, or to do a summons later. I also had the idea of creating a rune-stone that you can store the ritual magic you do, to activate it later.

I think devs can get it right I guess it’s just time and tuning.

Easy… looking for grey lotus powder? Getting all the mats and spell pages? I wouldn’t want to do that all over again, unless it was for higher magic :slight_smile:

:brazil: Conan Exiles feedback

Acho que abaixo está sua resposta para a tradução :+1:

So, in short, your idea of viable sorcery is:

  • Compensate for the drawbacks of using sorcery
  • Dont let inherent advantages of using weapons give an advantage
  • Prevent smart people using weapons better then you use sorcery get an advantage

Sorcery might be a gimmick if you try to wield it like a melee weapon.

The very own Conan Universe lore is one telling at the end of the day, the “sword” is able to face the “sorcery”.

Now if you know how to use sorcery, you are not having those problems because you go back to the “drawing board”. Sorcery is not designed to fight in a coliseum. This is not World of Warcraft in which “Mages” (not sorcerers) are slinging fireballs.

I use Invisibility, Mass Cull and Bat Travel a lot. They fit the world of Conan well. I knew before Sorcery what Sorcery was in the world of Conan and how it differs greatly to “Magic” in other games.

For me it’s a different mindset. Had I expected D&D Magic, then yes I would have been greatly disappointed.

I play with 60 points of corruption. I have no problems with the sorcery at all. It’s awesome!

JFC, a guy with custom server settings like 0.1 player stamina use, 4.0x player damage, 0.7 damage taken and 10.0x xp multiplier has the audacity to weigh in in a discussion the state of Sorcery.

Now I’ve literally seen it all. The entire #%@$ing thread is about how stamina-starved sorcerer is, he plays with a 0.1 stamina multiplier and has the nerve to argue with people here.

If anything that guy just proved how utterly gimped Sorcery is, since he has to change default settings to make himself 10x as powerful just to enjoy content (according to him). With those settings someone could RP as a level 1 naked caveman with stone daggers and clear all content easily.


You should check out this guy’s responses on Omni’s original thread on the topic (where those screenshots originally came from), lol. Just have blood pressure medication on standby :rofl:


I’ll pass thanks :laughing:

What a goof. He plays with settings that make him at least 10x as powerful as normal settings and then has the nerve to p**s all over an otherwise constructive, intelligent discussion with one-liners like “I don’t respect anything you have to say” :roll_eyes:.

Run along and play now IOOI, the adults are having a discussion here.


A good policy in my opinion. I’m glad Funcom is actually doing something right for a change, too bad the same didn’t apply to the last update… what a disaster.

Anyway, anyone who doesn’t understand a language someone is using on the forums can easily cut/paste it into Google translate these days, it’s not like you have to go learn the language.

:brazil: feedback

Para traduzir… Basta clicar com botão direito e colocar na opção, fiz o desenho para quem não entender :brain:

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No disrespect here, but I’m uncertain who are you actually responding to. If it’s OP, I think the point here is more to slightly reduce the drawbacks, not completely remove them. They’re too much and they were not designed for the current state of the game. Corruption was originally designed during the Age of Sorcery. Since then multiple nerfs have happened which happen to effect Corruption Builds more than anybody else.

Not being able to take hits means that if you were to make a trade in a Build like this it’s even more imperative that you’re not interrupted. This makes wielding most STR weapons a pain even though Corruption actually can take over your STR Attribute and therefore has a focus on it.

Any reasonable Corruption Build I’ve ever played has had full grit to at least mitigate the Stamina issue, and there is no way I’d pass up Steel-Thewed since I can actually take more than one heavy hit that way. That perk has been nerfed, and thus Corruption Builds were hit the hardest since their use case for such a perk was the highest.

Also, I never previously mentioned perhaps the biggest change. At the start of AoW, Stamina was given an overhaul:

Stamina costs are in the truest sense of the word literally three to over four times as high as they once were. This change hurts Corruption Builds more than any other Builds due to their limited Stamina pool. Again, strength weapon users would have a tough time with this one.

Since this update, the regeneration rate after an action speed up has been reduced back to the previous values as well. This change helps other builds much than Corrupted Builds since Stamina’s regeneration rate (as in the actual speed it goes up after starting to regenerate) is based on the total amount of Stamina.

What buffs have Corruption Builds had since then? I can only think of the improved Mule Kick, but now everybody else can also kick people down so… I can kick them a bit further for a pity prize?

I do also wonder how you would propose to outsmart a player with the current spell list. There are ways, sure, but most of them are only relatively effective at best and completely unremarkable at worst.

I for one want to keep drawbacks to Corruption, but the game has gone through several changes which either hurt Corruption Builds more than other builds or help the other builds more. It makes me feel as though a reduction or rework of the system seems befitting.

Also, I will never speak direct lore because admittedly I have little knowledge of it. I do not wish this game to be something it was never intended to be, but I would like to see good, balanced, and well-thought-out mechanics to fit with the lore hand-in-hand.

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I think that, while @PhilC approached it in rude way, @tiagoturilli’s post maybe shouldn’t have been in this particular thread. Even after translation the post has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It is helpful information, and I’m happy that some may get some use out of it, but it really has no place in this topic. In any case, I appreciate you trying to assist others, @tiagoturilli.

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I guess I lied, I do have one more thing to reply to you with, but I’ll let AI do it for you in song to keep it entertaining.

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So… Again you’ve compelled me to respond because you’re, while not listening, responding with a hint of thought. After everything you’re agreeing with one of my own and many others’ main points- that sorcery could do more… This is why I asked you to read.

" Have you ever played Citadel: Forged With Fire? That games satisfies my sorcery fix when and where Conan Exiles does not."

Have you ever played Fallout: New Vegas? That game satisfies my post-apocalyptic survival fix when and where Conan Exiles does not.