FUNCOM: Please make Sorcery actually viable, and not just a gimmick for masochists

That’s rich. Half of what you’ve said responding to this post and Omni’s original post was completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, but you want to comment on others poking fun at your apparent inability to read?

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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until some random Forgotten Tribe ahole comes at you with a 2h hammer and oneshots you :laughing:

I can’t agree. The frost bridge is somewhat useful. The respec potion for thralls is VERY useful. The undead you can create as a cannon fodder are useful too. The summon corpse too, I suppose, but then I don’t use it, since my server has “drops nothing on death”.

There was once a nice GDC talk from a Guild Wars 2 system developer talking about another guy who said: “When players say something is wrong, they are often right, but when players suggest a way to solve it, they are mostly wrong.”

While I do agree that there are never a situation in which someone is having fun wrong, there are many instances in which someone is using a game feature wrong.

The mere fact that you are arguing sorcery and weapons should be conceptualized as things to be used against each other already makes it show a wrong way of using it. That is the main problem.

I dont blame people for that. It is very hard for example to convey the concept that in a game like World of Warcraft for example, the game is not made so all classes can be fully effective against each other ideally. And that notion only drove the stupidity that makes retail WoW today be the dumb game it is. Originally, when the game was good, it was understood that you dont use certain classes on 1v1 against another, because you are supposed to lose. They are meant to make sense in group situations. Despite the fact that a given player can win with a disadvantaged fight against another given player who dont know how to use the class they are being given the advantage by playing with.

That is the exact problem. Maybe people are too used to those mods that do the idiotic class stuff in Conan Exiles, but the game is not designed to be that way. The game is designed so you use weapons you have, to do what you know how to do, and sorcery has features you find useful or not.

The game is not made to be a MOBA or a MMORPG for End Game Raiding.

It is a sandbox game with combat, building and other features, among which, there is a sorcery system.

Otherwise, the devs would have put fireball slinging, eye beam shooting and other stuff that turns “magic” into weapons with the express intent to give weaponized use of “supernatural” stuff.

The drawbacks and constraints are not “sorcery wide designed”, they are designed in a case by case basis, because, again, this is not Conan MMO or RTS. You are not supposed be a lone sorcerer who can use it as sole means of combat.

Watch all the Conan movies, all the Conan cartoons, listen to all the books (the Cybrarian in YouTube has a nice collection of them). In no way it is implied that sorcery is a sole means of combat. Almost all sorcerers will use weapons, corrupted, cursed, but weapons. They will use elixirs, necrotic, whatever, but still thrown vials or “orbs”. They might use necromancy, invocation, but still beasts and humanoid corpses and creatures, which do mechanically the same things “normal ones” do.

Again, no one is fireball slinging from their bare fingers, or beam shooting from their eyeballs.

Again, I really don’t know who you’re responding to here because you’re not “replying” via the forum, just open-endedly. I’m going to respond I guess it’s me since I responded to you before.

I think most people here have actually talked about using weaponry and sorcery together except perhaps here:

For the record, I would also find some of these things to be acceptable if implemented correctly.

I don’t think that most people think of the two exclusively. However, you should absolutely be able to use Sorcery to put yourself at an advantage to defeat an opponent that has just a physical weapon at their disposal. Weaponry and Sorcery are both destructive forces even in their current form in the game after all. Nobody asked for a fireball or Cyclops eye-beams, but advanced combat options within the constraints of Sorcery would be interesting. Also, side note, of course a 1v1 would cause any sorcerer to pull out a weapon in the current state, and that’s okay.

On my previous post I even list a full list of good options and Spells to aid the situations. I only find 4 spells to be reasonable combat aids with the potential of others in more niche situations:

It’s safe to say that a good number of people consider their options much like I do.

Nobody (or at least no majority) here is asking for those “traditional” sorts of spells, but as seen above the issue is not really listed as being the spells we’re given. As @AngryPotato mentioned at the beginning it’s mostly the heavy disadvantages in combat that, as I described above in brief detail, have gotten only worse through each update. The current list of spells do not make up for that- hardly at all. I fight people 1V1 (I exclusively use Corruption) all the time and win at least as often as I lose even though I rarely cast a spell. It’s easy to tell that they have more (and better) options to take me down, though. It’s about outperforming at that point. I think that there really is room for improvement here.

Unless somebody had, at release, said that Corruption Builds were way too powerful, then these changes that have put it further into the grave should be balanced out in some way. I like the idea of more Corrupted Perk options as others here have mentioned.

Instead of people saying that it was or is powerful, though, I more often hear people saying something that sounds a bit different… The general consensus seems more like what a few forum members have said not long ago to me:

And I believe that this is a rather widely shared sentiment. I don’t really agree with it all too much, but it does seem to be widespread. Think of how many people you see actually using Corrupted Builds in comparison to those that are not Corrupted. Why do you think that is?

There is need for a change.

I won’t claim to know the “one true change” to fix this all is, but the community has offered many possible solutions and I believe that capable developers could parse out the strong suggestions from the weak.

Enchantments would be applied to your gear. They can’t do anything without gear to be enchanted.

I think curses would also be to weaken your opponent to bring them down to your already weakened level.

Sorcerers might fight with a sword, but they win by magic and trickery, not the strength of their sword arm.

Sorcerers don’t need to be strong, they need a way to make their enemies weak. And then stab them to death.


This is exactly what I was saying in my most recent post. I used you as an example of the only point someone had mentioned any sort of exclusivity in order to respond to @KorgFoehammer in order to show all players using sorcery are considering using both weapons and sorcery non-exclusively. Much like yourself, I like the idea of Curses or debuffs of a sort. For example, the Perk “Wrack” could just as easily been an AoE spell rather than a STR Perk.

It is more or less ritual magic however i feel the point is that there should be ritual magic you can do in preparation before you get into pvp, i feel that there should be many types of ritual magic that can give your character defensive or an offensive power such as how the corrupted perks work. which would work well with all the material gathering and crafting that we do.

Howards magic is not fireball throwing etc but did have ritual magic and Sorcery needs more pvp focused ritual you can do before pvp at your base stations and also a ritual you can do such as star calling in the open world, so just like the trebuchet you place the ritual area near a base you want to attack, and there you do the ritual to call the meteor for example. Others such as blood moon beast creature summon, there is plenty of room for many more useful pvp ritual focused powers to come.

I think its more a case of doing ritual magic to help with pvp before you go into pvp or in the outside world. that can help you similar to how the corrupted perks work, i think there is plenty of room for more pvp, and base attacking rituals like star calling if you place the ritual near a base like the trebuchet.

I’d say the same about you but I’d be lying.
You are HIGHLY entertaining to read.

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■■■■■■■■■ here, I came back to the game because of sorcery and have played consistently since then. While I do find the limited health and stamina painful I still enjoy the perks of my sorcery and the RP I do with it. I lead others to cave to find sorcery and guide them in the ways of the outer dark. I have several apprentices.

That being said I would like to see a few changes. I hate the fact that my authority build uses human slaves. I would must prefer summoning demons, I just wish there was a way to keep them bound or some spell to exert control of them once I lose them.

Edit: system censored my first word Ma-so-chist

Even I enjoy him to an extent. His responses are mindless entertainment and they help me flesh out ideas for others most times. I’m just hopeful that other eyes read what his won’t!

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Because, unfortunately, most people in Brazil aren’t taught English. His content is cool, but he has that handicap. You would be amazed by the creativity and joy of Brazilian players.
They are a fascinating people, probably the friendliest people in the world, but their education system still sucks. Despite all that, he is still here, trying to understand what you guys say and offering his take. You don’t need to read his posts if you don’t want to. As for me, being Portuguese and speaking a very close form of the same language, I enjoy reading and seeing his stuff. If it bothers you, just skip it… or try learning Portuguese. I speak 5 different languages. How many do you speak beyond your native one?


Bon ben I guess que je vais commencer a parler en jouale, bonne chance a me comprendre le gros.

On sen tabarnak que tu parles 5 langues en passant.

Je parle Français aussi. Pas de problème.

T ben cool wow :slight_smile:

Tu feriez mieux d’essayer de comprendre de quoi il parle.

Tu ferais mieux de passer moin de temps sur des forums xD , c’est triste ton affaire.

C’est ta opinion, pas ton problème.