"Homesteader" Journey Missing

Hi guys,

I started a new character for Age of War, and I’ve been playing up to around level 45 or so. I just remembered there used to be a journey that would reward you with an improved wooden box, and that I didn’t have that yet. In fact, I don’t have the journey “Homesteader” unlocked at all, even though I’ve completed “Survival Shelter.” I’ve seen people complaining about journey steps not triggering, but this is the journey itself not appearing on my journey screen. I play single-player, offline.

Is there an admin command to manually unlock a journey? Or a way to re-trigger it being unlocked? Maybe rolling back the “Survival Shelter” journey so I can re-complete it?


I’ve seen other posts about it missing as well, and I also do not have the Journey step.
One of the posts was tagged as “report-received” so I’m assuming they know about it, and it’ll either be fixed at some point, or it’s intentionally removed.

Oh really? Huh. Okay, well, thanks for letting me know.

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